Why the Acquire App Changes Everything

Brian Harstine
Published in
6 min readJan 27, 2022



Are you excited yet?

That’s all it takes these days. Eyebrows raise, people pay attention, and everyone wants to learn, even the skeptics. You can’t say that about many things. I was introduced to this world in 2013 during my daily deep dive into the depths of Twitter. That journey continued and I began developing solutions with it in late 2016 and I’ve not looked back! Like so many of you, I have challenged use cases, analyzed diverse opportunities, bought NFTs, set up miners, and continued learning by immersing myself in the numerous evolutions of the technology. The communities growing in and around all things blockchain, DeFi, Metaverse, and Crypto have made the last 5 years incredible, and it has changed the course of my life. It is now what I work on every single day! This journey has culminated in what we now call ACQUIRE. It is just beginning, so Join Our Discord, Follow us on Twitter, and help us build the future of personal investing.


ACQUIRE is my conduit to enacting real change for investors everywhere regardless of “status” and we are building it NOW! Acquire is enabling the evolution of investment products through the use of blockchain technologies. My vision for Acquire begins with one major problem — ACCESS, regardless of status. DeFi and Crypto have accentuated the visibility of this issue and accelerated the transformation of this age old problem. Our vision at Acquire is to make this core to our mission, and every person that joins us becomes a part of that mission! Think about your portfolio for a second. If you are a retail investor, and not “Accredited”, where CAN you invest? What opportunities are out there that you are missing out on because you don’t fall into the right category or status? Personally, I have seen many private deals in my short career. These deals offer a great depth of optionality in return profiles, timelines, exposure, etc. Crypto gave retail investors a taste of these structures that we have been missing, but with crypto brought a massively more efficient framework for access among other amazing evolutions. The mission is to bring on chain this hidden deal flow that makes up more than 200 times the crypto market cap by asset and deal value and deliver these opportunities directly to you on ACQUIRE’s app!

Join Our Discord, Follow us on Twitter, get an early access spot. (early participants in Acquire’s Public round will receive an NFT Gen-1 Access card! Stay tuned for details.)

I can’t wait to get a market filled with deals like

  • retail accessible funds with liquidity,
  • emerging companies in energy,
  • individual business’s contracts for a specific product lines, hyped game and media investments that you can share in the profits from,
  • cash flow/income opportunities as focused as a 400 unit luxury downtown apartment deal,
  • various time limited debt products that help you get a safer return and exposure to some exciting projects bring developed by any number of companies.

Growth is everywhere, and we all look for “Alpha”, but retail investors tend to miss out on this market entirely. So either, get rich to get access or get Acquire! (Get early access here)


I’ll speak briefly about what you should expect from ACQUIRE today, this year, and in the near future. This will not be an article about our business plan, or a schedule of our anticipated app launch, feature development or a breakdown of how we plan to do what we do. This is about WHY! Why does it matter to me so much? Why does it matter to you? Why should you care as much as our team does!? After all the time spent building the road, for the team at ACQUIRE, it is time to walk it.

Data Sourced from PWC Market analysis in 2020 (crypto market cap updated 2021)

What we aim to do at ACQUIRE, in just the first 12 months, is a massive leap for this highly attractive class of assets, Private Placements. Think of these assets as you would a venture capital deal, or a private company sourcing additional capital from investors, or a flurry of attractive debt products reserved for those “with access”. Access is granted to these investors, mostly due to personal networks, strategy, or regulations surrounding an individual’s wealth status. In 2020, these private assets and offerings made up more than $70 Trillion globally, dwarfing the investment assets available publicly sitting at around $44T.


Global Venture Funding Hits All-Time Record High $125B In Q1 2021

in Q1 2021, venture capital funding absolutely exploded, reaching a record $86B, more than doubling 2020’s $39B, and nearly 7x that of 2016! So what? Venture Capital is a leading indicator of one huge thing, historic junctures. It is at these junctures where fundamental change in our way of life becomes inevitable. The VCs have one job — to predict major trends and find opportunity. They achieve this by finding alpha, creating value and fostering success in their investments through the deployment of capital. The funny thing is that, today, every single person can see this migratory trend into Blockchain solutions of all shapes and sizes. It reminds me of the explosion of the internet, a moment that shaped my early years and… yup… there it is, another historic juncture where fundamental change in our way of life became inevitable. In the late ’90s, immense record setting capital was being deployed by banks, VCs, and funds, but most importantly, every average person wanted a piece of the action. Doesn’t that feel similar? But notice, there is a difference this time that is affecting social structure, similar to web 2.0, but here we go deeper. This change accounts for the interconnectedness of value, social structure, governance and governments. It has stumped the regulators. Knowing who you are as a person, can you fit neatly into a single clear category? You are complex, interconnected, and this new structure is birthing technologies with hauntingly similar paradigms to this reality.


White Tip Shark & Pilot Fish © Greg Lecoeur / Nature’s Best Photography Awards 2018

ACQUIRE is excited about this evolution in technology and the respective approach to coding in rules and regulations, but mostly we are driven by how universally motivating this migratory trend is to people across the globe. Regulation is core to safe, healthy, and flourishing markets. We just code it into each investment deal! Automation! The immense value tied up in private market investments and other regulated assets are moving to the blockchain ecosystem now. The bottom line is that having more and more of the world’s assets living in digital forms connected to these networks will have an exponential increase in these networks’ use cases. In turn, this will create explosive value for the entirety of crypto, DeFi, NFTs, meta and more! This migration is where we are focused now.


In the future evolution of the Acquire platform we will integrate core pieces of crypto, DeFi, the Meta-verse, and traditional regulated assets & investments. As passionate as I am about ACQUIRE’s long term vision and the potential to expand our society’s way of viewing, interacting, benefiting from, and being rewarded by our investments, I am most fired up by what we can do NOW. Communities and users are the focus of my process. It is clear that right now that we need one thing, equality of access! DeFi is so popular because of this core ideology, as it is core to how we plan to bring opportunities to our users!

ACQUIRE will be your conduit as much as mine! I am listening, and you have the power to influence our decisions as a company and the responsibility to enact this change! I can’t wait to bring this vision to every investment, every user, and every investor, late this year, in ACQUIRE’s beta app launch!

Join Our Discord, Follow us on Twitter, get an early access spot, and watch for the big announcements! (early participants in Acquire’s Public round will receive an NFT Gen-1 Access card! Stay tuned for details.)

__________/ Written by: Founder/CEO, Brian Harstine > Twitter \_________

