Cred is rebranding as Acre (because we’re expanding almost nationwide!)

Acre Admin
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2018

Cred is rebranding as “Acre.” We’re doing this for a couple reasons which I’ll go into below, but the headline is that we’re expanding (almost) nationwide! This is a big deal, given that expansion was dependent on having success during our 4-state beta launch this Summer / Fall. All went well — we made brand new connections between high-quality cryptocurrency projects and the consumers who can benefit from knowing about them and buying their coins. More and more people are understanding the value of cryptocurrency, and to celebrate the win, we’re rebranding as Acre.

Why Acre?

Back in the day, an acre of land was something regular people could acquire and it was a symbol of value. To be a landowner was part of the American dream. Think how wholesome an acre sounds… ahhh. Anyhow, given that things have evolved and very few folks today, particularly in big cities, can no longer afford an acre , we’re borrowing the term as a representation of value . The same value we found in land we can now find in crypto or digital assets. In other words, crypto is something of value for today’s consumer — a new “acre.”


We are officially expanding to 42 new states beginning this week for Android and next week for iOS! This means we’ll be available in a total of 46 states. This will be great news to the 65% of our users who weren’t in supported states prior (to those users: we heard your requests). We’re really excited for this update, as it will allow us to help more regular people explore, buy and sell crypto assets. Unfortunately, we will not be operating in NY, WA, CT or OR for now, but hopefully sometime early next year. More on that to come shortly!

Will this affect me if I have the app?

No, we’re simply renaming our app, freshening up it’s design, and releasing an update. All you will need to do is update the app you already have. For most of you, automatic updates are probably already setup, but do us a favor and just make sure the app is updated. If not, you won’t be able to use it.

We’ll send a follow up email to you on the day the new app is live.

Anyhow, we’re now Acre, and if you see emails from, please open and read them :)

Happy crypto buying!

New Links below:


Apple iTunes Store: Coming Soon!

Google Play Store: Coming Soon!

Blog: (we could not for the life of us figure out how to change this url on Medium, fyi)





Telegram: Coming Soon!



Acre Admin
Editor for

Acre is the simplest all-in-one cryptocurrency investing platform. To learn more, visit