Why we invested in Milaboratories

Mike Reiner
Acrobator Ventures
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2022

Genomics analytics for the future of personalized medicine

DNA data analysis has rapidly become one of the most promising vaccine and drug development techniques and a key component for the future of personalized medicine. In fact, the genomic SaaS software created by MiLaboratories was used by big pharma in the discovery of COVID-19 vaccines. We see it as a crucial building block for accelerating the effectiveness of medicine.

MiLaboratories has developed a proprietary software suite that analyzes genomics data to build a comprehensive picture of immune response. The solution combines the power of AI and cloud calculations for analysis of genomic data sets. Their flagship product, MiXCR, is one of the most popular solutions in academia and pharmaceutical companies worldwide. It’s used for invention and application of new drugs and medical tests.

Its exactly this experience and credibility in the space that convinced us. Since 2009, the MiLaboratories team including CEO Stanislav Poslavsky, CTO Dmitriy Bolotin and CSO Dmitriy Chudakov, have been publishing a series of academic papers on adaptive immunity. Looking to further their research, the team built an R&D algorithm, one that would lay the groundwork for MiXCR.

We are estimating that it is the fastest and most accurate solution addressing the $24bn genome sequencing market, with more than 45,000 downloads, and hundreds of patent mentions. MiLaboratories has set out to drastically improve the speed at which scientists can test new cures. Current market products lack easy-to-use DNA data analysis solutions, most of which need specialized programming skills. The complexity of DNA data analysis remains a hurdle for biology scientists who have to learn programming to develop immune-based diagnostics, immuno-modulating biologic drugs, stratify patients for clinical research, and to make routine clinical decisions.

We invested together with the HealthTech team at Speedinvest and to quote their investment manager: “Investments into the biotechnology industry accelerated due to COVID-19, and genomic analytical platforms are here to stay. We will see new data-centric approaches emerging from applying AI to find novel treatments to going into deep tech applications for Pharma. The MiLaboratories team is well-positioned to play a significant role in the much-cited Bio Revolution”

Healthcare systems around the world are increasingly looking into precision medicine to provide a tailored solution that results in better care at lower costs. Sequencing a patients genome is currently the most promising technology to treat diseases and has the opportunity to revolutionarize the industry and our understanding of a wide range of difficult problems — ranging from the treatment of cancer to understanding outbreaks of infectious diseases and how they spread.



Mike Reiner
Acrobator Ventures

General Partner Acrobator. Previously: VC @ OpenOcean, Co-founder City AI, World Summit AI, Startup Wise Guys, CCC, Startup AddVenture.