Across has launched on Mode

4 min readMay 30, 2024


Tldr; Across has expanded to Mode, the fast-growing Layer 2 DeFi hub built using Optimism’s OP Stack. This move increases Across’ potential user base and expands the solution’s presence on Layer 2.

Key takeaways:

  • Across has launched on Mode, one of the Superchain ecosystem’s emerging Layer 2 networks.
  • Mode users can now leverage interop’s fastest and cheapest bridge for intents-powered cross-chain actions and Across users can freely move between Mode and other chains.
  • Across has recently expanded to several new chains and the Mode deployment is another sign of the protocol’s commitment to supporting the Layer 2 ecosystem.

Layer 2’s growth has been one of the big stories of 2024 in crypto. In recent months, multiple new chains have launched, nascent applications have helped them attract users, and the total value locked across the whole ecosystem has jumped to $45 billion.

Across has played an important role in this story. Across is now one of the most widely used interoperability solutions and that’s because users know it’s the fastest and cheapest bridge. Across offers a superb interop experience powered by intents and new features like hooks and Across Settlement have created new possibilities for cross-chain users and applications.

As Ethereum enters its Layer 2 era, Across has been working to support the most promising chains in the ecosystem. To that end, we’re proud to announce that Across has launched on Mode, a recent entrant to the Layer 2 ecosystem and mainstay of the Superchain ecosystem.

This expansion brings users of interop’s fastest and cheapest bridge closer to one of DeFi’s fastest-growing ecosystems. It also strengthens Mode by expanding the scope of how applications serve their users. We go into more detail below.

Introducing Mode

Mode is a Layer 2 Optimistic Rollup chain built using the OP Stack. Part of Optimism’s Superchain ecosystem alongside the likes of Base and Zora, Mode is focused on establishing a hub for DeFi experimentation on Layer 2.

Mode is aiming to achieve this goal by cultivating a thriving ecosystem that rewards developers and users for their participation in the network’s growth. While Mode is still in its infancy, it has seen a quick ascent, holding over $700 million in locked value at writing. Mode launched on mainnet in early 2024 and has since launched the $MODE token alongside various incentive programs.

Mode’s locked value is currently deployed across integrated protocols like Ionic, Velodrome, and Renzo with more projects set to launch on the network soon.

With this launch, Across has added support for another of Layer 2’s fastest-rising chains. Many of Layer 2’s most active explorers already use Across as their go-to interoperability solution because it’s the fastest and cheapest bridge. Now, more of them have access to the seamless cross-chain experience so many others enjoy.

This expansion is notable due to Mode’s focus on accelerating Layer 2 DeFi. We believe that Layer 2 will attract regular DeFi users over mainnet as the ecosystem evolves. So it’s a natural choice to support one of the top chains working to nurture Layer 2 DeFi today.

Across users now have a seamless way to access Mode and they can do so at a high speed and low cost thanks to the system’s intents-based design. Mode applications, meanwhile, have a way to offer their users multi-chain services through one interface. Across offers users a slick Web2-like UX and applications can easily plug into it to serve their users.

Interop’s fastest and cheapest bridge joins Mode ecosystem

Mode’s core mission is to build out DeFi on Layer 2. That’s why it offers features like liquid restaking and native yield. These features are not one and the same but they’re both designed to help users generate greater returns out of their assets.

There are a few ways Across’ launch on Mode accelerates the ecosystem. Across offers an extremely fast and cheap bridging experience. It uses an intents-based architecture to facilitate high-speed, low-cost transfers and the system’s gas optimizations also help users make savings. As with the next-generation DeFi applications live on Mode today, Across optimizes for capital efficiency to benefit users.

Additionally, Across’ recent V3 update expands the protocol’s surface area, which is a win for Mode users and applications. V3 introduces hooks with Across+, meaning applications can offer users cross-chain actions through one interface. The experience is smooth and the user can signal their cross-chain intent with one signature. Across Settlement, meanwhile, allows projects to plug into the protocol to settle their users’ intents.

In short, while Across has become known as interop’s fastest and cheapest bridge, it has recently evolved into a powerful modular system that offers seamless interoperability with intents. Mode builders and users can now access this elegant design, making the network more interconnected with the broader Layer 2 ecosystem.

Intents and the interoperable future

2024 has been a significant year for Layer 2 and Across at once. Our latest updates push the frontier in interoperability and Across’ growing market dominance is a sign of the space’s demand for intuitive cross-chain solutions. Similarly, Mode is working to push the frontier in DeFi.

Across’ success benefits the whole of Layer 2. Mode is already building a Layer 2 DeFi hub and its users can now enjoy better cross-chain experiences with Across. We’ve long believed that intents will power the interoperable future. With Across now live on Mode, another Layer 2 network is moving closer to this future and many more users are set to benefit.

To learn more about Mode, visit the project’s website. To start exploring the Mode ecosystem, bridge with Across now.




Class of 2017 alum, writer, occasional JPEG speculator