My attempt to save money with AWS Elastic Beanstalk actually cost me more

A simple miscalculation resulted in it costing twice as much as I thought.

Nicholas Martin
Across the Stack


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

In a previous article, I discussed the idea that moving away from an EC2 LAMP stack to AWS Elastic Beanstalk would be easier to manage and certainly much more scalable, it would also help me save quite a bit of money.

While it was indeed much easier to manage each website more independently, I had totally overlooked something in my cost calculations. Load balancing.

I had estimated that each website would cost on average $15 running t2.nano instances, and with 4 websites to migrate, it would only cost $60 per month. saving me a grand total of $20 compared to the previous single EC2 instance, but also removed the additional $45 per month for a cPanel license.

But at the time, I completely forgot that Load Balancers were charged separately, and each website now had its own Load Balancer in front of it. The true cost of each website was actually around $40 per…

