ACryptoS: One Year of BUIDLing

One year of keeping user funds safe.

4 min readOct 28, 2021


With the launch of our Atlantis vaults less than a week ago, TVL on our protocol was on a roll, from an initial $160M, breaking the $200M mark, and casually cruising past $300,000,000 in an unstoppable streak. $ACS itself broke its 2-month ATH, gaining more than 100% within 2 days.

Users poured into our Telegram Group, and very often their first question was: “Is Atlantis safe?”

As many of our long time users would tell them without a bat of an eye, that safety has always been the №1 priority for ACryptoS. Through the course of one whole year, we ‘ve sacrificed easy growth of users and TVL, by heavily filtering the partners we work with, doing much due diligence on our part before deploying our vaults.

Of course, we do not compare ourselves with audit companies. Yet, our persistence has paid off, and we take pride in having kept our user funds SAFU for one whole year (with more to come).

Back when we started…

The ACryptoS ($ACS) Token was deployed on 26 Oct 2020, as a small community project. Many new users might not know how this name came about. It’s basically an acronym for Advanced Crypto Strategies, the very essence that we stand out for.

Our lead-dev x first created auto-compounding vaults for CAKE. However, the “advanced strategies” came about in Nov 2020, when Venus was launched on BSC, and x developed a strategy to safely leverage and compound the yields. It was highly efficient, using less gas than competitors, and more importantly, protected our user funds when Venus introduced its 0.01% redemption fee.

The very same strategy is being currently used on the Atlantis vaults, with the BTC vault amassing $55M in TVL, instantly becoming the largest vault on our platform.


100+% growth within 2 days? What gives?

One simple factor from our sustainable tokenomics — buyback going past emissions.

We all know about Ethereum’s goal of burns going past issuance. The past few days saw our buyback go way past our emissions, making $ACS deflationary in the process.

2017 $ACS were emitted, whereas 3765 were bought back.

The Samurai keeps BUIDLing

As we step into our 2nd year in DeFi, here’s a quick look back at what we’ve accomplished:

  • High APY Vaults that never compromised on safety
  • Acsi.Finance — the 1st & only BalancerV2-forked AMM in BSC
  • Multi-token Investment Funds to help diversify user fund risks
  • Governance Vault that voted on many key protocol decisions, including voting in the current Core DAO, adjusting platform fees etc.
  • Sustainable Tokenomics that made the above Buybacks possible

What excites us more is what the future has in store.

Akira. Cori. Satoshi.

New Year. New Beginnings.

As many a sleuth in our Telegram group and Twitter followings have pointed out with their keen eyes.

We give you three words:
1. NFT
2. GameFi
3. Metaverse

The ACS Metaverse

DeFi does not have to be just about numbers.

We want to break the stigma of DeFi being anonymous and dangerous. Imagine a world, where our Samurais walk about ACS town, interacting with each other. The TVL Energy Globe powers the Metaverse, bringing all the noble Samurais together, protecting it from degens, rugpulls, exploits. You harvest your yields, you hang out at the local izakaya, you go out on missions with your fellow Samurai warriors…

The road towards this future will be challenging, as we take small but significant steps towards it one at a time. We’re excited as we start developments towards a P2E (Play-to-Earn) Game as our next major milestone, targeting some time mid-2022. Our NFTs will play a big part in it, giving benefits from extra yields to game stats bonuses. More details on our NFT release will be released in an upcoming Medium post!

What’s going to make this better, is that these NFTs are not just meant for in-Game purposes. Instead it will be part of the bigger Metaverse, where benefits and utilities go beyond just a Game. And if someone states again a lack of usage of our $ACS tokens (even if it already Earns you Protocol Fees / 2.5X APY Boost / Governance 😉), these above will put your $ACS to even better use.

Stay tuned for our first batch of NFT Collections. You’ll find details on the minting mechanics, and how you can own a piece of the future ACS Metaverse.

