Ontology X ACryptoS: New Pool with Old Partners

Bigger pool. Better rewards. ONT-ONG-BNB-ACSI.

4 min readNov 9, 2021


We first partnered up with ONTO Wallet in mid Jul, setting up a dual token farming pool with ONT-BUSD-BNB. The users loved the pool, and liquidity kept pouring in, growing above $500,000 in a very short time. Swap aggregators like 1inch, routed tonnes of $ONT trades through our Acsi.Finance, as we give one of the lowest slippage and highest returns for swapping.

4 months down the road, we’re glad to be partnered up again, this time launching a bigger and better pool!

Swap ONT & ONG here. Lowest slippage. Highest Returns.

Dual Token Farming: $ONG + $ACSI!

Acsi.Finance will be launching a new ONT-ONG-BNB-ACSI Liquidity Pool (LP). Multi token pools are one of the many unique points that our Next-Gen AMM offers.

$75,000 ONG + ACSI is allocated for the farm, and they will be distributed over a period of 90 days. Be the first in, and enjoy the yield farming rewards!

Bonus: ONTO Wallet has also provided $15,000 of $ONT to be distributed to our ACS-ACSI-BNB-BUSD (A2B2 ACSI) Onsen Pool. A2B2 Pool providers will now receive $ONT as well for 90 days. No action required.

One of the perks for investing in our Onsen pool. Farm 5+ tokens at the same time and learn about partner protocols.
Currently farming $ACSI + $BOG + $FOR + $KALA + $FEED + $HOTCROSS.

How to farm the $75,000 Rewards?

Two simple steps:

1. Provide liquidity in the ONT-ONG-BNB-ACSI Liquidity Pool
(25% ONT| 25% ONG | 25% BNB | 25% ACSI)

Users can deposit all 4 tokens in the listed proportions above, or they can deposit 1 single token (eg: ONT, ONG, BNB, or ACSI) and Acsi.Finance will take care of the rest in the background, balancing those tokens for you.

2. Stake the pool tokens received on the ACryptoS farm

After providing liquidity (investing) in the ONT-ONG-BNB-ACSI Liquidity Pool, users will receive proof-of-stake tokens, and they will be able to stake those tokens in the ONT-ONG-BNB-ACSI farm on ACryptoS.com — That’s where you’ll earn those awesome Double rewards ($ACSI + $ONG)!

On top of the Farm APY, you’ll also be earning Swap APY. This comes from the swap fees of all the trades happening in the ONT-ONG-BNB-ACSI pool. 😉

Scroll down for a full step-by-step guide.

$ACSI & $ONG Bonus

In addition to the staking rewards, ONTO and ACryptoS have prepared a special bonus for ONTO users. The timeframe for the bonus lasts for one week, starting Nov. 9th (9:00 UTC). Rewards are given to the following:

  • The first 75 users to stake a minimum of $16 in the ONT-ONG-BNB-ACSI pool
  • The first 75 users to stake a minimum of $16 in the ACS-ACSI-BNB-BUSD pool
  • Top 20 stakers in the ONT-ONG-BNB-ACSI pool
  • The first 100 new users to create an ONT ID with ONTO and stake at least $16 in the ONT-ONG-BNB-ACSI or ACS-ACSI-BNB-BUSD (A2B2 ACSI) pool

Only stakes done via ONTO Wallet are qualified. More details in the Onto Medium article here.

Quick Guide — Dual Token Farming

Taking part in this new LP is a simple process:

Make sure your wallet has ONT (25%), ONG (25%), BNB (25%) and ACSI (25%) in the correct proportions (or close to it)
*Staking with just one token is possible as well, read on for more details.

  1. Go to app.Acsi.Finance
  2. Single currency/multi-currency deposits on Acsi Finance
  • Select the currency and amount to be deposited, or click “MAX” to deposit all

*You can stake a single currency, and the protocol will automatically convert the currency into the other currencies in the ONT-ONG-BNB-ACSI LP.
Hint: make smaller deposits at one time if the price impact is too high.

  • “Approve” the transaction (the number of approvals depends on the types of currency staked)
  • After clicking “Invest”, approve the transaction in your wallet to complete the deposit and get the LP tokens.

If you want to unpair the LP, click “Withdraw” to choose the withdrawal method. Click “Best price” to receive 4 types of equivalent currencies;
“Single token” to choose one of the 4 single currencies to withdraw.

3. Stake LP on app.acryptos.com/acsi

  • Look for the Acsi.Finance ONT-ONG-BNB-ACSI farm, click “Stake”
  • Click “Max” and confirm

You will start earning $ONG + $ACSI 🔥

Quick Guide — Swapping $ONT or $ONG on Acsi.Finance

Once there is sufficient liquidity in the new LP, you will be able to swap ONT or ONG on Acsi.Finance by navigating to the Trade interface. You will be able to swap any cryptocurrency listed on Acsi.Finance for ONT or ONG tokens with the best swap fees and maximum returns.

  1. Click “Trade” on app.Acsi.Finance
  2. Choose the currency and quantity you want to exchange
  3. Click “Preview trade” — “Confirm trade”

