[Transcript ] NFT AMA with tofuNFT.com

Published in
10 min readDec 2, 2021

On 23 Nov, 12PM (GMT) we had a great AMA with 4,000+ users on tofuNFT.com’s Telegram channel with our Marketing Lead, BKT. Many questions were asked, and ACryptoS shared their latest developments of NFTs, GameFi and the ACS Metaverse.

Note: The transcript has been slightly edited for clarity. You can also access the direct link to the AMA on TG here.

RJ : Welcome our old friend at ACS.

BKT : Hey RJ, great to be here.

BKT : Still holding my SCV x ACS Collab NFT from last time =) Not to mention, a lot of the first series SCV Gatchas haha

RJ : That’s the first collab NFT we’ve ever built, with the samurai spirits 😉

Steve : Welcome BKT, Great to have the Marketing Lead of ACryptoS here with us today for the AMA. We have closed the chat ready for the AMA. @cryptoBKT Are you ready to enlighten the community with some questions about your project

BKT : Yep, ready

Steve : Awesome let’s get started then.

Q1 Can you let us know briefly, what is ACryptoS?

BKT : We’re an advanced Yield Optimizer, and a next-gen Swap, started in Nov last year.

There are 3 main products:
- ACS Vaults (Yield Optimizer)
- ACSI.Finance (Balancer V2-based AMM)
- ACSI StableSwap (Stablecoin DEX)

The platform is designed and aimed at longer-term investors looking for sustainable tokenomics, fund safety, and careful risk management.

Steve : Risk management is a major factor thats good to know.

Q2 There are many yield optimizers out there. What is the different?

BKT : Great question.
ACryptoS literally stands for Advanced Crypto Strategies. True to our name, we were the first to create strategies, launching vaults on Venus before anyone else (and currently the only platform with working Vaults for Venus).

BNB, BTC, ETH, SXP, ADA, BCH are some of the tokens we have for single token staking.

MATIC, DOGE, FIL as well. No other platforms have this.

We wanted our products to actually add value — hence the focus on sustainable tokenomics.

We pioneered the concept of the Governance Vault — meaning all protocol fees — performance fees, withdrawal fees etc are used to buy back ACS and share it with ACS holders in the Governance Vault.

This is all done automatically at the smart contract level.

Here’s a nice read on what makes us different: https://medium.com/acryptos/what-sets-acryptos-apart-d6345e2f5d7f

Steve : Nice read for me to get more into it after the AMA 😎

Q3 Sounds interesting. What other things have been developed from the past 10 months since you launched Nov last year?

BKT : Yeah, our lead dev writes pretty good stuff imho. A lot of stuff in fact 👍

We started as a yield optimizer only. Other than the Venus vaults above, we recently launched vaults for Atlantis, also a lending protocol, giving ultra high yields for single tokens, gaining almost 200M TVL in just 48 hours.

We help compound the yields from the farms that users invest in. eg. PCS farms, Mdex farms, Biswap, DSG Metaverse etc.

Deposit your funds. We auto compound it + we give out additional APR in the form of our ACS tokens to users who use our yield optimizers. So it’s a win-win for users.

Also we launched our AMM half a year ago. It’s based on the Balancer V2 protocol, the only one in BSC, and it supports up to 8 tokens in a pool. Quite different from what other swaps are offering.

We’re also the first StableSwap in BSC since last year, currently still the lowest fees and highest daily volume. Stableswap is currently averaging $20M+ in volume daily.

And… the biggest news for now, we are developing into GameFi Metaverse, and we’re currently in the first stage — launching of our first collection of NFTs!

Steve : Nice will have to try grab me some of your nfts when they launch.

Q4 Glad to hear that, and glad to partner up as the marketplace for your NFT collection! Now, any reason why someone should buy your NFTs, why should they own it?

BKT : We have a very unique NFT minting mechanic.

Instead of “buying” an NFT, you may now stake any amount into an NFT to mint it. The $ACS is staked within the NFT, and will enjoy the same benefits as if they have deposited in our ACS Governance Vault.

This includes earning protocol Fees and Rewards, Governance voting and Farm boosts.

To explain further, our users who have deposited in the ACS Core Vault (or ACSI Core Vault) have numerous rights & benefits:

1. Good APY: They receive a big share of the daily emissions

2. Not just good, but sustainable APY: They receive most of the fees earned by the protocol

3. Even more APY from farms: They get up to 2.5x APY Boost on ALL of their farms

4. they can participate in governance

However, that is just one of the utilities of this NFT collection. Our future games are in development, with one of the first scheduled for beta release mid 2022.

Users will be able to play the game by just having a DeFi wallet. However, by owning a Character NFT, you’ll be able to get game stats boosts, equip NFT upgrades, receive in-game airdrops and much more.

This Anniversary Collection is a “Character NFT” type limited collection. Character NFTs are a basic requirement for future NFT upgrades.

There are upcoming NFT collections in plan, including Equipment NFTs, Vehicle NFTs, Mecha-Suit NFTs, etc. These upgrades are limited in numbers and are highly collectable, at the same time offering in-Game power-up bonuses.

All these will require a Character NFT in order to equip them.

Steve : Q5 Thanks for explaining the utility of the native tokens and NFTs. What else should we need to know about your platform?

BKT : As mentioned earlier, we are mostly focused on being Safe, Sustainable and Long-term. We could say that Safety is simply our number 1 priority.

Safety should always be a priority over everything else, even APY or tokenomics.

There has been much news of many yield optimizers being exploited or suffered some other accidental loss of funds. We have always wanted to make DeFi and BSC a safe place for users.

Proud to say, it’s been one year since we launched, we’ve kept our users’ funds intact with 0 losses so far. 💪

One of the reasons for that is — we do not run for the tempting high APYs without thoroughly checking the protocol we are building on. It’s no use getting those yields if you’re going to lose them after all.

Here’s another article our lead-dev x wrote on how to not get rekt in DeFi, it’s quite worth reading: https://medium.com/acryptos/staying-safe-in-defi-and-how-to-not-get-rekt-9c3310dd4ae8

With that said, we do have some fancy stuff though. Other than the 2.5X APY Boost mentioned, we’ve liquidity pools up to 8 tokens, double triple token farming, etc.

Oh, and our A2B2 Onsen Pool now has 6 tokens being farmed at the same time!

A2B2 Onsen is our collaboration pool for partner tokens.

We’re recently collaborating with a number of partners, and we use this as an effective way to let our users farm some of our partner’s tokens as well.

So currently they’re farming $ACSI + $FOR + $BOG + $HOTCROSS + $KALA + $FEED + $ONT

All at the same time.

Steve : Q6 Very unique 8-token pools, truly a first in BSC. Many of our users haven’t seen this type of combination before. Could you tell us more about it

BKT : Sure. On Acsi.Finance, one of they key strengths is that we can have pools more than the common 2-token 50:50 ratio.

Swaps between tokens in the pool are much more efficient, resulting in lower slippage, higher returns. Basically all good stuff for users.

It’s good for LP investors as well. With custom ratios, users are more diversified in risks, as compared to just investing in a 2-token pool.

For example, we have Investment Pools, which works something like a mutual fund or ETF in traditional finance.

Users can diversify their risk in a collective fund, with similar group of tokens/assets, and keep earning swap APY + farm APY in the meantime.

Benefits of mutual funds apply, if one of the tokens you HODL tanks, it helps with reducing your losses. If the overall market grows, most of the funds will perform similarly well, growing your portfolio.

We’re helping users diversify their risks by encouraging them to invest in funds with tokens of similar nature, rather than trying to guess the next moonshot.

Here’s a few of our Investment Pools worth looking into:
- The Mega caps pool (ETH-BTC-BNB)
- The “EVM-Killer” pool (SOL-DOT-ADA-ETH-BNB)
- The stable pool (DAI-USDT-USDC-BUSD)

Steve : Q7 That’s awesome to know. Now back to the NFTs that will be launched soon, how many types and rarities are there?

BKT : We’ve three samurais — Akira. Cori. Satoshi. Each of them will have unique but balanced stats in the upcoming GameFi.

Minting the NFT will give you 1 out of the 3 Samurais. There’s a randomized chance of 33.33% for each character, and a limited total of 1888 units.

Other than 3 characters, there are also 3 Samurai Ranks that can be assigned to each character NFT.

The Rank of an NFT improves its utilities, giving the user additional benefits and game stats. Higher Rank NFTs can be minted by staking a larger amount of ACS into the NFT when minting it.

A higher Rank NFT, eg. Rank 3 (Shogun) would give:
- boosted stats in the future GameFi
- higher allocation for NFT/partner airdrops
- priority sales to future limited NFT upgrades
- exclusive game items
- and potentially much more

There will only be 88 units of Rank 3 NFTs in this collection, making them extremely rare and valuable.

Full details can be found here in this Medium article: https://bit.ly/3l3YuNP

Steve : Q8 Low number of NFTs with high value in utilities, looking forward to it. Anything else you’d like to add on before we end this session? When and where can users start minting?

BKT : Let’s do a quick recap of our NFTs:
- P2E GameFi stats bonuses, airdrops
- partner NFT/token airdrops
- staked value in NFT that earns APY automatically
- farming 2.5X APY boost
- governance
- owning a part of the future ACS Metaverse
- different character stats in-Game for Akira, Cori, Satoshi
- Character NFT: required for NFT upgrades
- higher Rank NFT: gets bonus stats, additional item drops + much more

We are launching it very soon. It will be in the coming week!

We are finalizing the Mint UI at the moment and will release the launch date once it’s ready. (edit: Mint date announced — 6 Dec 0800 GMT)

Please follow us at
- Twitter.com/acryptosdao or
- Telegram t.me/acryptos9
to get the latest news about the launch!

Minting the NFT will be on our ACryptoS site, and the Secondary Marketplace will be on TofuNFT.

Looking forward to our marketplace collaboration!

Steve : Exciting times ahead i love the sound of this project and the upcoming game. We will open up the chat so the community can drop some questions to you, im sure there will be a nice surprise for the chosen ones here 😎

BKT : Glad to hear that! Hope your users love the sound of it too. Yup, there will be 1 ACS each for the 5 selected questions!

Steve : Awesome let’s open it for Community Questions

Abhijeet : Trading character nft will lead to transfer of all equipment nft,vehicle nft along with it? I mean will the nft upgrades on the character nft also get traded?

BKT : Good question, trading each NFT will be just that NFT itself. If you transfer your Character NFT, your other equipment NFT will remain in your wallet.

However, if you do not have a Character NFT in your wallet, you will not be able to utilize any of the benefits of Equipment NFT.

The Rekt : The amount of ACS in NFT can be different, let’s say a Shogun with 1000 ACS and another with 1200 ACS. Is the number of ACS staked will give more benefit in the upcoming game.

And will it displayed as higher price in Tofu NFT platform?

BKT : Staking a higher amount of ACS will allow you a chance to get a higher Rank NFT, where the top 88 staked amount gets a Rank 3. Once the Rank of your NFT is decided, the staked amount itself does not give extra benefits in the upcoming game.

You will however still get
- yields from ACS Vault APY based on your stake amount
- governance voting weight based on the ACS inside the NFT
- 2.5X Farm boost based on the ACS inside the NFT

the ACS staked inside the NFT will be displayed as one of the data when listing on TofuNFT platform

Masamune : Is NFT mint first come, first served?

BKT : Yes it is first come first served.

As long as you mint it by staking the minimum amount of 8 ACS into the NFT, you will receive the NFT.

Only the Rank is decided once all the 1888 NFTs are minted.

A leaderboard will be on the minting site, to show where the Rank of you minted ACS is currently at.

Also just additional note, if you’re currently at Rank 3, if more people stake higher amount after you, you will get pushed off Rank 3 though.

Abhijeet : Do we need to have the acs/acsi in our wallets to mint nft or we can do it with the ones staked in the governance vaults itself?

BKT : You can only mint the NFT using the ACS or ACSI in your wallet. ACS currently deposited in our governance vault cannot be used to mint.

You may choose to buy the ACS from our site app.acsi.finance, or farm it as well.

The Rekt : Is there a limit for 1 wallet? or can mint as much as we want?

BKT : Nope there is no limit for 1 wallet, you may mint as many as you want.
- first come first served
- minimum 8 ACS to mint

That’s 5 questions!

Steve : Do you want to answer this one also since there is no more left?

Will the game be live as soon as the nft launch or is that still in development?

BKT : sure! The game is in development, and we’re expecting a beta release somewhere mid 2022 😉

Please feel free to read more on the Medium article here https://bit.ly/3l3YuNP 👍

Steve : Awesome so exciting times for the summer of ’22. Thanks for being with us today @cryptoBKT i will open the chat again now.

BKT : We’re excited as well! Thanks everyone here at TofuNFT, been a fan of you guys since earlier this year 👍 Looking forward to a nice collaboration for this upcoming launch!

Steve : 😎

