10 ways food delivery robots may meet their demise in China

All Tech Asia
All Tech Asia
Published in
4 min readMay 9, 2017

Lots of unexpected situations may happen when high-tech robots meet the real world.

Tech companies use robots to take care of children, grow plants, and deliver food. With food delivery in China becoming a booming business, these robots may meet a lot of unexpected situations on the streets of China. On Zhihu, also known as China’s version of Quora, a user by the name Ciyuan Xinkeji has summarised the top 10 ways food delivery robots may meet their demise in China.

Taken away by thieves

Photo form Pixabay.com

It is reasonable to assume that these robots will be equipped with GPS and cameras, but someone may wrap the robot with a large bag or a bedsheet and take the robot away with the food delivery. Another netizen added that the GPS can only tell which building the robot is in, but not the specific floor of the building.

Getting lost

Photo form Pixabay.com

In China, criminals pose as mobile network operators to build up fake base stations and send fraudulent text messages. Food delivery robots might get connected to these fake base stations instead of actual internet operators, and will be guided to small lanes or deserted factories before getting lost.

Running out of battery

Photo from Baidu Images

You can basically see brazen and reckless children everywhere: in film theatres, museums, and cafes. They may treat these cute robots like cars and ride on it until the battery dies.

Facing smoggy weather

Photo from Baidu Images

If companies launch these food delivery robots in Beijing, the robot may lose its direction in heavy smog shrouding the city. Smog and air pollution are major concerns for Beijing residents, especially during winter.

Being washed away

Photo from Baidu Images

Let’s say a robot survived Beijing’s smog and now it comes to the southeastern city of Guangzhou. This coastal city sees rainstorms during the summer, and the pouring rain may wash the robots into the drain.

Death by freezing

Photo from Baidu Images

The journey of the food delivery robot continues, traveling hundreds of miles from Guangzhou to the northeast city of Harbin. Cold weather is the smart gadgets’ deadly enemy. An iPhone can shut down even when there is 15 percent of battery power left while walking outside Beijing’s streets during winter. However, the temperature in Harbin is much lower than that of Beijing’s. So robots will freeze to death, get covered with thick snow, or live as an ice sculpture in Harbin’s cold winter.

Navigation system malfunction

Photo from Baidu Images

If the robots ever come to Chongqing, they will get confused by the complicated road conditions in this city of mountains. The navigation system may fail to tell the robot whether to go up or down.

Burnt chips

Photo from Baidu Images

These struggling robots leave Chongqing and arrive in Changsha. The hot weather may burn the chips of these robots and kill the robot.


Photo from Pixabay.com

After surviving all the aforementioned challenges and hard conditions, a robot finally arrives at the residence. Dogs will recognize this cute moving thing which is slightly shorter than them as challengers. They may hit the robot and turn it upside down.

Delivery rejections

Photo from Baidu Images

A lucky robot has skillfully protected itself from accidents and hostile dogs, and finally reaches its destination — the home of the person who made the order. The person may find the food a little bit colder than he or she expected, and might say this with a frown: “The food has gotten cold. I don’t want to take it. Please send it back.”

(Top photo from Baidu Images)



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