Specifying Mediums

Tiffany Jiang
Enjoying the Act of Learning
4 min readApr 5, 2016


We now need to think about what materials and mediums we’re going to use for our project and where we want to put our pieces around campus. We are developing a visual language/vocabulary that crosses over mediums. How do we go about crafting that?

The various parts of the system should coexist but don’t have to be interacted with all together every time. They should be able to stand alone.


Stickers, small format print medium (ex: 4x4)

  • Idea of having small and large prints
  • Brightly colored

Discovering the spaces/surveying the land — will help us determine where to place print pieces. Locations: Where on campus has the most foot traffic?


Walk-in Booth —A booth that you can go into and have an individual experience watching our video pieces, listening to our audio aspect, looking at our print, etc.

Artifact — I had an idea about putting some sort of children’s drawing table in the Tazza Cafe. It’d be a nostalgic experience to get to sit down at a table that looks like it belonged to a kid, covered in crayon doodles and markers. We want to make sure people meet other people through our experience and connect with those who share their hobbies/interests.


Collaborative/Interactive Wall Space — Some sort of area/artifact that people can add their personal touch to so that it’s collaborative and a physical experience.

What is your forgotten passion? What do you miss doing that you used to do?


Website — Where people can leave anonymous messages and they will not disappear. People will have to find their own space on the site to leave messages. They can be as short or as long as they want.

Video — Shown somewhere public.


April 6, 2016

We decided that we wouldn’t move forward with making a video given the timeframe. We are working on how to define the physical artifact. Also, we are discussing what the definition of artifact is. We’re also trying to find the right phrasing to express what we want people to think about.

Thinking about the environment design space: Primary colors, chalk/crayon, Legos, Play-doh, etc. There would be prompts on the table to do things.

Story/Concept: As a kid, I had this table that was totally meant for children. It had rounded corners, is made out of plastic and is water resistant. I always sat there when I played or drew things. But eventually I started drawing off the paper and drawing on the table. My parents would get mad at me the first few times. They would yell at me and say I couldn’t do that. I still did anyways because that was hard to resist. I would doodle with marker, crayon, paint etc. Eventually my parents stopped caring. I still have that table and it reminds me of my childhood playtime. It was the table I sat at after I did my homework and was free to do whatever I wanted to do. We want people to get that same feeling here where usually the day is so structured and rigid. The table should look almost too clean and white. The first few people that interact with it and are asked to draw on it will feel uncomfortable. Gradually, we hope it will be covered in doodles as well — doodles of what people wish they were doing and what people used to love doing. We hope the whole table will be covered.

April 7, 2016 | Catch + Action

Catch: What have you not done in a long time?

Action: Think about yourself.

I feel like people here pile on work that is good for them but takes away from time they could be doing personal things. For example, I’m working on graduate research which is great but when my work is getting a bit boring, I sometimes think about all the other things I could be doing.

I think today we hit a point where we thought about the fact that our prompt doesn’t necessarily have to focus on passions. It could be anything that anyone has missed doing and hasn’t found the time to do in their day just because they have so much work to do around here. Most people want to relax and hang out with friends when they’re done with work and after that, they are so exhausted they just want to catch up on sleep.

What should our title be?

“I miss _____” But saying something like that would elicit sad feelings and we don’t want to do that.

I was able to find the website that I had been mentioning to Noah and Deniz about which I remember was popular for some bloggers back in elementary/middle school.

You can check out our page (that’s probably blank).

April 12, 2016 | Advancing the Idea

Catch: What have you not done in a long time? / What do you miss doing?

Action: Think about yourself. What brought you here and where do you want your education to take you?

Validation: We’ll be utilizing branding that elicits nostalgic feelings but we don’t want to make it too much about stereotypical primary colors for example. We want to keep the tone serious as these questions ask the individual to reflect deeply but of course we hope that the answer is light-hearted and fun.


Stickers, 3x3 flyers, tabloid-sized poster


Website (www.yourworldoftext.com) — People will be able to leave comments and stories. This is an open source website where you can claim “worlds” which is essentially a public page.


Kid’s table — Would be placed somewhere on campus. This would be the entry point into our project. People will get to this part and either do nothing, participate a bit and read about the project or if they are able to get to the next step, they would go to the website and continue the process of reflection.



Tiffany Jiang
Enjoying the Act of Learning

designer concerned about our addiction to tech. thinking about ethics, films, futures, time, space and death. she/her. alum: @cmudesign @cmuhcii 👩🏻‍💻🏳️‍🌈♀️