I want to write, without boundaries and fetters

Act Two
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2018

There are so many things I hear, see, observe. These things trigger in me thoughts, questions, moments of realisation. I want to share these in the only way I know — by writing. Hence, I am creating this space. A space where I can let words and ideas flow.

Where there is sharing and learning. From me to you, from you to me.

I have done this before. Then too, I was at a crossroads in life. Back in 2004, I was the editor and publisher of JAM magazine. I was in my early 30s, mother of a young child, and feeling somewhat ‘over the hill’. My days were spent mentoring and encouraging young people to write and express themselves.

My own writing had come to a standstill.

So one night I started a blog, just on a whim. I called it Youthcurry, because it was a cool name and gave me a lot of latitude but still, some focus. Over the years, it became a repository of my writing on social trends, careers and entrepreneurship.

The blog still exists but I seldom update it. I am no longer that person.

Even the word ‘blog’ has acquired a different meaning… (‘paid’, ‘sponsored’, a way to earn a living and so on). I can’t relate to that.

So here I am, once again. Ten years after the publication of ‘Stay Hungry Stay Foolish’, which launched my career as an author, I feel restless.

I feel there is something more out there to do, to experience, to explore.

In our youth we all aspire for certain things — money, success, love, stability, status. But the moment you ‘have it all’ (if there can ever be such a thing!) you are back to square one. In fact, you start questioning whether those were the things that mattered in the first place…

Many of us will live to celebrate our 80th and 90th birthdays. So today, at the ‘half-way point’ , it’s time to re-examine, re-invent, re-purpose.

May the next 40 be the best years of our lives! Because we say so, because we decide so… Because we consciously embraced an Act Two.



Act Two

Author of 9 books on inspiring Indian entrepreneurs. Connecting the dots. Always looking for a good story!