Introducing ActiList

Published in
4 min readMar 20, 2023

More than an NFT marketplace…

Actilist is an NFT creation platform and gameified marketplace built on the Secret Network. We believe that digital ownership should be fun, and so should content creation.

Unlike every other marketplace out there, Actilist will enable unique auction styles like the “Blind Auction” where people have to compete without knowing what competitors are bidding, Or gamified random mints!

The problem with other marketplaces is that they all have the same user experience, there is nothing unique. We believe that NFT marketplaces deserve more than public bid auctions and buy now.

We will still have the normal public auction styles too, but we are adding new unique options.

The problem with current NFTs

NFTs have grown exponentially over the last couple of years in popularity. The ability to immortalize your content and art in a nonfungible token on the blockchain is an enticing concept for artists and content creators of all kinds.

But there is a problem with most blockchain models. The fact that in a public blockchain, a person purchases an NFT but does not own control over who sees it. If you mint an NFT on Ethereum, anyone can easily view it from your wallet anytime.

Access control unlocks true digital ownership

ActiList is building the marketplace and creation dashboard that changes this and creates true digital ownership for NFT creators and users. With a full suite of tools to create NFTs that have access control features built in, our creator platform will be the one-stop-shop that you have been waiting for!

By creating NFTs on ActiList, you are able to design your NFT in a way that grants the user control over who can view, and use it. When you own something you automatically understand that you have the right to control access to that item. Just like your physical home, you can invite whoever you wish inside, but nobody can simply walk in and rummage through your things.

Digital ownership should be no different, so we decided to build a platform that ensures digital ownership is true ownership.

Private metadata enables endless possibilities

With options to add both public and private metadata to your NFT creation, the possibilities for created content become endless.

Consider a piece of video content in an NFT, you could create the video and place it in the private metadata so that the owner can view it at will, even allowing viewing access to a friend. While on the public metadata, you could add a simple image like a movie cover.

Now imagine that you could hide even the movie cover image if you did not wish anyone to know that you owned it at all.

The power to decide is truly up to the owner, they can show a public facing ownership when they wish, or hide it if they do not. They can decide who is able to view their property at all times.

And that is just one example, there are many more and use cases that have not even been thought of yet!

Empowering creators enables innovation

At Actilist we believe that innovation comes from people being creative, that is why we decided to build a platform that empowers creators. We believe that the creator who uses Actilist will bring the next generation of innovation to Web 3.0.

Whether you are creating the next top PFP project, a music album on the blockchain, or a metaverse real estate project, you are certain to enjoy your experience with Actlist!

With the best creation tools combined with the best marketplace experience to promote and sell your works, you will be able to take your project from start to finish.

We will have specialized markets

Our marketplace will have specialized markets for all your favorite NFT items. Whether you are looking for a specific gaming item for your metaverse experience, or an album from your favorite artist, finding digital assets is fast and easy.

Markets will include:

  • Art and Profile Pictures (PFP)
  • Gaming
  • Metaverse
  • Music
  • E-books

And more..

Promote your next top project

Using the upcoming collections market will allow a creator to promote their creation with a preview, description, and a countdown to the launch date.

This feature allows a collection to be promoted ahead of launch right from the dashboard so that the community can enjoy the anticipation and excitement before launch day. This is great for creators promoting their collections and for users looking for the next exciting mint!

We are going Crosschain

Our roadmap includes integration with other major marketplaces like Opensea and adding the ability to bring your NFTs from another public blockchain to the Secret Network and add privacy to them. Imagine getting your favorite blue chip NFT from Ethereum and holding it in your private wallet where bad actors can not target you for holding it!

We believe you should be able to do just that, and we will build the platform to do it. Be sure to follow us and get involved, because you do not want to miss out on this!

Join our community to stay up to date!




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The first interactive NFT marketplace with confidential sales and customizable NFT access control.