Write for Action Bias!

Writers wanted

Actionbias Editors
Action Bias
4 min readDec 12, 2023


Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

We appreciate your interest in contributing to Action Bias.

Action Bias curates well-reasoned pieces that span the topics of business, economy, technology, and science at scale. This includes submissions that are empirically centered and are comprised of thoughtful analysis rather than personal assertions.

Action Bias

Action Bias delivers content at the intersection of business, technology, and most in-between. That’s enterprise business, scaling businesses, use cases, case studies, and thoughts about the future. This is not for paid promotional material or “advertorials.”

Please review some of the pieces featured on our homepage to get a sense of the type of content we publish. Though we certainly encourage unique perspectives and original content, the publication has standards that must be upheld.

Content Requirements

It might be best to cover what Action Bias is not first. It is not for individual entrepreneurs, creators, or the side hustle. There is no shortage of great publications that cover these topics on Medium.

Instead, we cover big ideas, big business, case studies, and the intersections of industry and scale. Think Walmart veering into the health business and the implications of customer and patient privacy; not a small handmade jewelry business on Etsy promoted on TikTok.

That doesn’t mean we ignore social media; it just changes the context of pieces we’d likely accept. For example, a piece covering a theme of “How will advertisers respond to changes on Twitter/X as content restrictions ease” would be more appropriate than “Here’s how I gained 200 Twitter followers in a week.”

Leadership, case studies, and new corporate ventures are all fair game. Our audience is international, and so is our coverage. That said, pieces must be in well-written English. Thoughtful opinions and provocations are welcome but should be based on some empirical data.

Action Bias welcomes perspectives across the global spectrum. We do not accept meta articles — meaning, how you earned $35 last month on Medium is not a fit.

Let’s put it this way. If we were to cross-promote the piece, it should be of interest to a LinkedIn audience rather than Upwork.

Submission Guidelines

Submission guidelines closely follow Medium’s Boost Guidelines, as we hope that each piece can qualify for broader distribution.

Action Bias welcomes perspectives across the global spectrum. If a subject matter is discussed in a purposefully agitative or offensive manner, we reserve the right to decline a piece for the method in which its opinion is presented. Counter opinions are welcome — but keep it civil, not nasty.

Each article must have a minimum “4-minute read”, approximately 750 words, and include a featured image. The best pieces will range from 5 to 7 minutes.

Contributors must not underestimate the risk of copyright infringement for images or other incorporated media and ensure proper citation or licensing is provided. The number of images in a piece may not exceed three. Use Unsplash, Wiki Commons, or try a generative image creator — but in any case, always add attributions.

Pieces must be written in English, with a sense of maturity, and free of any spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors. Seriously, spell checkers are free at this point.

All preview titles must be in Title Case and cannot be or have any components that are in all caps.

We encourage our writers to act with a large amount of autonomy. Please consider changing the text style, integrating quotes, or otherwise formatting each article to suit your style and preference, but with reservation. Edits following a piece’s addition to our publication are allowed.

Medium’s Rules and Terms of Service apply to all pieces. Contributors own the rights to the content they post and especially the risks concerning intellectual property, libel, plagiarism, and other legal disputes are therefore shouldered by the author. Articles may be edited or removed from our publication at any time, though we ask to be notified in the case of removal.

Submission Logistics

All drafts must be submitted through Medium. Only drafts will be considered. If your draft is not published within 5 days, you can assume it was a pass.

The following tags are strongly encouraged, and their inclusion will increase a submission’s chance of acceptance. [Business, Technology, Finance, Science].

Our home and topic pages begin with a block of featured pieces. Our editorial staff determines these arrangements, which are based primarily on a piece’s quality, formality, and popularity.

Action Bias will probably not perform content edits on submissions — there just isn’t enough time in the day. But a private note on your draft may suggest edits you can conduct for approval.

Titles and subtitles may be changed to improve the piece’s engagement or understanding. Our editorial team may also perform minor formatting adjustments to otherwise acceptable submissions. Any major requested adjustments will be communicated explicitly via private note, and you can decide whether to include the adjustments. However, do not resubmit previously rejected pieces unless appropriate revisions have been performed.

Writer applications

Made it this far? Great! Use the form below.

Friend or draft links provide us with the full range of metrics and options necessary for review.

If accepted, you will be added as a contributor and may be notified via a private note. Your status is verified if Action Bias appears as an available publication for submission.

Please ensure that your email address and submission link are entered correctly, as we do not follow up on broken links. Accepted contributors do not need to submit this form for future submissions. Simply add your draft to the publication and submit for approval.

