‘Graves, all gaping wide’ — Reimagining Dream as a Nightmare in Hermia: Heaven Unto Hell

*SPOILER WARNING: This article contains details of the adaptive choices made in Hermia: Heaven Unto Hell.*

Hermia: Heaven Unto Hell is the follow up to Helena: Ugly as a Bear by Fresh Life Theatre, a company of young actors who had devised a darker take on A Midsummer Night’s Dream for the Bristol Shakespeare Festival. They chose to rework their Dream into two productions, made for and in lockdown, that refocussed the play on Helena and Hermia’s journeys. Made for lockdown Shakespeare as a genre is evolving quickly and, as I noted in respect of Theatre for a New Audience’s/Bard College’s Mad Forest, the distinctions between theatre and screen adaptation are becoming increasingly blurred. It was fascinating therefore to track the change in tone of the marketing for Hermia: Heaven Unto Hell in the weeks prior to the film’s release.

Teased following the premiere of Helena: Ugly as a Bear, Hermia: Heaven Unto Hell was pitched as follows on the company’s Twitter feed:

As with Helena: Ugly as a Bear the production was placed as theatre. Following the design of the first instalment, the poster featured Lysander (George Goodman) somewhat ominously peering over the shoulder of an uncomfortable looking Hermia (Myra Lee Bell). However, over the next two weeks, the marketing message switched. The lockdown theatre production became a short film, and the poster changed: now a threating Puck (Aaron May) stood a little too close to a frightened looking Hermia — his naked torso suggesting the threat of sexual violence. This tonal change followed through to the finished film.

Production Poster featuring Aaron May (Puck) and Myra Lee Bell (Hermia)

I expressed my disappointment that Helena: Ugly as a Bear hadn’t embraced the Blair Witch style of filming of the trailer that had tempted me in with point-of-view filming as a character ran breathlessly through the forest. In an evolved approach, Hermia: Heaven Unto Hell exploited the possibility of on-location filming offered by their pre-recorded approach. However, in a change from the first instalment, there was a more marked attempt to create a sense of shared space between the isolated actors. For the first half of the film — Egeus’s (Matthew Thomas) plea to Theseus (Tilly Dodwell) and the lovers pre-Athens departure chat — a sense of the same space was created with all characters filmed in a white rooms in front of bookshelves; particular attention was played to eyelines and an imagined sense of placement in the room. Where the evolved filming technique was at its best was in the second half of the film where the lovers filmed themselves in forest settings. This is where Charlie Day’s direction was at its most interesting — while, necessarily, each actor was filmed in isolation, use of Blair Witch style point-of-view camera angles meant that isolation wasn’t immediately obvious. Similarly, placing cameras in trees and offering occluded views created a sense of the characters being watched.

Encouraged to consider these two productions as two sides of the same retelling, there is a common thread of male toxicity. However, there was a tonal difference to these two productions. I noted in respect of Helena: Ugly as a Bear that, absent the threat of forced marriage, we were offered ‘a thoroughly modern set of lovers acting not under duress but through choice in a complicated mesh of unrequited love’. Reinstating the Theseus/Egeus framing device, while logical to the extent that it is integral to Hermia’s journey in Shakespeare’s play, was not completely necessary. Performed by the young company the scenes felt a little stuffy — as if some commitment to the text had required Hermia’s backstory. I felt that the reinvented modernised narrative of Helena: Ugly as a Bear was strong enough to carry the production. That said, the company did use the framing scene to reinforce the sense of the toxic nature of patriarchal power. Absent Hippolyta who conventionally acts to temper Theseus, Egeus’s plea to the duke went largely unchallenged and gained legitimacy as a result. The absence of a female ally to offer support to Hermia was noticeable.

Charlie Day’s choice to use cross-gender casting is worthy of consideration. While both Maddy Parkes’s Demetrius and Dodwell’s Theseus are both clearly playing the roles as men, there is something powerful here with women representing sneering, dominating men. There is little to like about either character. I was reminded of Morgan Lloyd-Malcolm’s Emilia, where the all-female cast depicted the worst of men in portrayals verging on caricature. As with Helena: Ugly as a Bear, Fresh Life Theatre offered a tweet-along element to create a sense of one-off liveness. Again, the characters’ tweets acted as a paratext to the production, offering an insight into the characters’ often objectionable inner thoughts. It was here that this toxic masculinity was brought to the fore. Tweeting as Theseus, the company’s Twitter feed claimed that ‘Hermia is an #embarassment to Athens’ — a clear statement that, in this Athens, female autonomy is undesirable. It was a notion continued through tweets offered by Demetrius. In response to Hermia’s rejection he tweeted:

When a reply to the tweet suggested that ‘No means no’, his response of ‘You heard “no”, I heard “go for it”’ inserted a clear sense of sexual violence and male entitlement. The fact that these interactions were offered by women playing men cannot be ignored — are the actors here satirically holding up a mirror to society, demonstrating the worst of men?

I noted in respect of Helena: Ugly as a Bear that, without Oberon, ‘Puck acts with agency and with little more motivation than malevolent manipulation’. This was even more prominent in Hermia: Heaven Unto Hell. Aaron May’s Puck was the standout performance of the production. Again, his text was taken from a mix of Shakespeare’s plays. Opening with Aaron’s ‘Even now I curse the day’ (5.1.125) soliloquy from Titus Andronicus clearly aligned this Puck with Shakespeare’s arguably most sociopathic villain who revels in evil for evil’s sake. References to Coriolanus and again to Hamlet added further nuance to his character. This production was explicitly reframed as ‘a horror film, complete with an evil, sadistic Puck’. There was a clear horror aesthetic to the film — the soundtrack reminiscent of psychological horror, the VHS video camera framing device suggestive of the found footage of sub genre. Each love-drugging was accompanied by the sinister sound of a spade slicing through earth. There is an implication that Puck is in control from the outset — horror-esque droning in the background of the Theseus/Egeus scenes suggests a continuity of actions. Certainly, this would make sense of George Goodman’s somewhat sinister portrayal of Lysander (gone was the insipidness of the male lovers in Helena: Ugly as a Bear). With looks to camera and a somewhat terrifying marriage proposal, I couldn’t help thinking that the men were already under Puck’s malevolent influence.

It is a trope of horror that the most terrifying threat is the one you don’t see. That held true here. As Lysander sought to ‘lie further off’ (2.2.48) he was distracted and then scared by something before bolting through the forest to find a place to hide. The sudden appearance of feet behind him followed by a black out and flash of hand to his neck had the jump scare shock element of horror. The sudden appearance of a second actor is given more value in the context of a socially distanced film — it is amazing how quickly we have adapted to only having one person on screen at a time! I completely bought into Puck as the horror villain, in no small part due to May’s command of Shakespeare’s verse — I have never heard Puck’s Act 3 Scene 2 ‘Up and down’ speech spoken with such Iago-like spite. While the production was originally offered as a companion piece to Helena: Ugly as a Bear showing Hermia’s journey, in the edit it appears to have become Puck’s story. Certainly, Hermia’s journey was much curtailed. Leaving the lover’s fight not, as in the text, following a spat with Helena, but rather at the earlier point of Lysander’s rejection: ‘I do hate thee and love Helena’ (3.2.281). No resolution was offered — in the absence of Oberon to control Puck, the film ends with the male lovers remaining drugged. In this dark take, the focus is on Puck and his observation of ‘graves, all gaping wide’ (5.1.365). Using point-of-view filming, Hermia runs and trips. The screen cuts to black, followed by blurred first-person footage of Puck burying Hermia — forcing us to experience her apparent demise personally. We are reminded of Theseus’s ultimatum that Hermia faced ‘death or […] a vow of single life’ (1.1.121) — here Puck set in motion a series of events that led to Hermia’s death, an event foreshadowed in his opening speech appropriating the words of Titus Andronicus’s Aaron.

I am intrigued how closely these two productions track the original planned festival production. For me, I’m not sure the lovers hold enough interest to support two alternate viewpoints. This is not to detract from Day’s direction but rather a comment on the limitations of the text. Shakespeare’s lovers are interchangeable, it hardly matters who ends up with whom. I would like more Puck, and to see how these ideas of a malevolent, spade wielding, killer Puck could be developed.

Both Hermia: Heaven Unto Hell is and Helena: Ugly as a Bear remain available to view on YouTube.

Production Details:

Hermia: Heaven Unto Hell

Presented by Fresh Life Theatre streamed via YouTube, 5 June, 2020. Directed by Charlie Day. With Aaron May (Puck), Tilly Dodwell (Theseus), Matthew Thomas (Egeus), George Goodman(Lysander), Myra Lee Bell(Hermia), Maddy Parkes (Demetrius), Annina Walton (Helena).



Gemma Allred
‘Action is eloquence’: (Re)thinking Shakespeare

Doctoral researcher @unineuchatel. Shakespeare & Theatre MA @shakesinstitute. MBA @LBS (exchange @tuckschool) @sheffielduni (law) and @openuniversity (Eng. lit)