Making a change in 7 hours

One day to problem solve. If we focus our minds and come together, we can help Action for Children shape the future of their social impact.

Sherry Ho
3 min readFeb 7, 2019


UPDATE: We’ve chosen a date! This will be running on the 21st March. Save the date.

Being a child isn’t easy.

Kids are facing a whole host of problems today. Many live with neglect and abuse, poverty, and more kids are homeless today than they were years ago. Even children who don’t have it so hard face the complicated pressures of today’s society, and encounter uncertainty every way they turn.

Action for Children has been helping vulnerable children and their families throughout the UK both in crisis and early intervention efforts, and we need to continue this work.

And not only that — the non-profit sector is changing, and with people getting bombarded with adverts at every turn, it’s difficult to cut through the noise and create a bigger social impact that’s financially sustainable.

But, the work needs to get done. So, what are we going to do?

A: We can throw our hands up in the air and accept the “inevitable.”


B: We could get together some of the brightest minds, work with Action for Children staff, and try to make a dent on a high impact issue.

Let’s give B a shot.

The idea is simple –the problem, not so much.

How do we get the ball rolling?

We are calling for 30 people from a UX/design thinking, tech, AI, innovation or startup space to work on this problem — if you fit the bill, get in touch.

What change do you envision yourself making with your knowledge and skills?

The day will run approximately 10am to 5pm on the 21st March in London, and we’ll be using design sprint methodology to:

  • Unpack the problem
  • Share insights and learnings
  • Look outwards and ideate
  • Prototype the strongest solutions & share

What we’ll get out of the day is some new perspectives, a few amazing solutions and a group of people feeling like they’ve made an impact towards helping children who need it most.

Will I get paid?

Unfortunately, no. This is a volunteer initiative for people who want to give a helping hand and use their knowledge for good. We know there’s so many untapped brains out there and are excited to see what the outcome would be if we were all in the same room, tackling the same problems.

Of course, we will cover food and drinks on the day in return for your brain power.

The obligatory dog gif.

How do I take part?

We’d love to get to know you! We’re looking for anyone with a background or experience in UX/design thinking, tech, AI, startups, innovation thinking and etc. and a free day on the 21st March.

If this is you, check out the application form here.

We’ve got a limited number of spaces so we’ll do our best to come back to you and confirm your spot right away!

