How ActionStation members can continue the campaign for an ethical KiwiSaver

Laura O'Connell Rapira
ActionStation Aotearoa
3 min readSep 2, 2016
Some KiwiSaver funds are reportedly invested in companies that manufacture weapons, tobacco and fossil fuels

Since it was revealed that some KiwiSaver funds were being invested in companies that manufacture weapons, the response of Government Ministers’ have been both disappointing and entirely predictable.

Predictably disappointing tactic #1 Dismiss public concerns: On the 18th of August Prime Minister John Key dismissed public concerns about KiwiSaver saying it is up to individuals to find out where their money is going.

Predictably disappointing tactic #2 Pass the blame: Days later, Commerce Minister Paul Goldsmith says it is up to Police to decide whether the investments are in breach of the current law.

Tactics like these can have a chilling effect on the momentum of public energy that drives change. But we can fight back. Instead of backing down, we’re turning it up.

Here’s the plan: ActionStation have launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise $3500 for independent polling to survey a representative sample of New Zealanders on whether or not they think it’s okay that KiwiSaver funds have been invested in weapons for war, fossil fuels that drive climate change or tobacco that kills.

We’re betting that most New Zealanders don’t want their retirement savings funding things that harm, injure and kill other humans and they want to see Government action to stop it. Once we get the results of the poll, we will make sure this news makes headlines everywhere.

Click here to chip in a couple of dollars and help fund our people-powered polling.

Here’s how it will work:

  • Hundreds of us will chip in a small amount of money to fund independent polling;
  • Our questions will go into a nationally representative survey using proven research methods;
  • We will take the results of our people-powered poll to the media;
  • Other journalists and opposition MPs will then ask the Ministers to answer to Kiwis concerns;
  • And then, once we’ve cranked the pressure right up, we’ll deliver our petition to drive the message home: Kiwis don’t want to fund death and destruction.

Polling is the kind of political tactic usually reserved for the rich and powerful. But if hundreds of us chip in now, we can ensure it is the voices of ordinary New Zealanders that get heard for a change.

The outrage-turned-action of New Zealanders en masse has already made a significant impact. As of a couple hours ago, all 9 of the default fund managers have agreed to either move their funds out of investments in weapons manufacturers or “undertake a review”.

Banks are moving on this because they are feeling the heat of customer concerns. It’s time to crank up the heat on Government Ministers using our power as citizens too.

Click here to chip in

Special thanks to journalists Anusha Bradley of RNZ and Matt Nippert of the New Zealand Herald for their fantastic work breaking the news.

