SwirlWalls FAQ

Chris Lacy
Published in
4 min readFeb 19, 2021

SwirlWalls used to be paid, and now it’s free. What happened?

SwirlWalls 1.0 launched as a paid app. With SwirlWalls 2.0, we changed plans and made the app available for everyone. SwirlWalls 1.x users will need to install the new SwirlWalls app to gain access to the wallpaper picker and all of 2.0’s amazing new wallpapers. We apologize for this one-time inconvenience.

I bought SwirlWalls 1.x. Do I automatically get upgraded to SwirlWalls Prime?


What is SwirlWalls’ Feature Meter?

The Feature Meter is a flexible, accessible & non-invasive monetization system that allows everyone to unlock 100% of wallpapers and app features for free.

The higher the Feature Meter level, the more wallpapers & features are unlocked.

Like a phone battery, the Feature Meter depletes over time, at which point certain features & wallpapers will lock. But you can top up the Feature Meter at any time by watching a single reward ad & immediately regain access to locked features.

Best of all, once you fill the Feature Meter, it goes into surplus. This allows you to ‘bank time’ with 100% of app wallpapers & features unlocked, without ever paying a cent.

Can I use SwirlWalls without watching ads?

Absolutely! A single SwirlWalls Prime purchase permanently fills the Feature Meter, unlocking all SwirlWalls app features and wallpapers in perpetuity.

SwirlWalls Prime

What’s the difference between SwirlWalls and SwirlWalls Prime?

SwirlWalls is free to install and use. SwirlWalls uses the Feature Meter, which allows you to unlock 100% of app content by watching the occasional ad.

SwirlWalls Prime is a “license key” application that permanently fills SwirlWalls’ Feature Meter, unlocking all 100% of app content forever.

Why is SwirlWalls Prime a “license key” app rather than an in-app purchase?

A license key app allows for behavior not possible with in-app purchases such as allow customers to:

  • Share their purchase via Google Play Family Library,
  • Evaluate Prime within Google Play’s refund period.

Do I need to keep SwirlWalls Prime installed after SwirlWalls has verified my purchase?


How do Google Play refunds work?

SwirlWalls Prime is a paid app. Every time you buy an app on the Play Store, Google allows you the opportunity to refund that app within a window of time directly after the purchase. As of February 2021, that refund window is two hours, but can change at Google’s sole discretion. This means that if you want to try SwirlWalls you can buy it, play around with it for up to two hours, and request a full refund at any point.

Google offers further systems for requesting a refund after this 2 hour window, which is documented here. As per our terms of service, we don’t manually administer refunds.

Can I use my own images?

Not at this time, but we’re definitely open to it!

I’m an artist — can we collaborate to use my art in SwirlWalls or other wallpaper apps?

We’d love to hear from you! Please send any and all details (ideally including sample images) to collaboration@actionlauncher.com and we’ll get back to you.

I see SwirlWalls — but what’s the deal with “ActionWalls”?

SwirlWalls is the first app to be released in what is planned to be a family of ActionWalls apps. Now that SwirlWalls has launched, the plan is to release different wallpaper apps using our ActionWalls Engine (“AWE”) tech as a base, that use different themes and/or mechanics.

Once we’ve created enough of a library of killer wallpapers, the plan is to release the larger, all encompassing ActionWalls app.

When will ActionWalls release?

We can’t offer an ETA of ActionWalls’ release date, but it’s fair to say a release is definitely not imminent. For the foreseeable future, ActionWalls’ development focus will be on SwirlWalls and similar dedicated, standalone wallpaper apps as we experiment and find out what our valued customers most want.

Can I help translate SwirlWalls to another language?

Please contact us via collaboration@actionlauncher.com — ideally include details of any other projects you’ve helped translate.



Chris Lacy

Writer of code, words. Responsible for @ActionLauncher.