These Guys are No Artists

Nathalie Sejean
Activate Creativity
3 min readAug 26, 2017

One of my favorite things is to stumble upon something unexpected. An inventive sign, a witty bumper-sticker, or the smallest snowman in the world…

meet the smallest snowman in the world via @atikus2013

Witnessing someone’s creativity is a magical moment. It’s an opportunity to look at things another way and to open up to new possibilities.

And a small gesture by a stranger can have unexpected ripple effects.

And what’s even better now is that a stranger on another continent can create magic that will ripple through the continents thanks to the non-less magical Internet.

Here are some of my favorites recent creative outbursts:

Follow your dreams via @danettaevans
really need to read the smaller paragraph @elizabeth_gilbert_writer
beware? via @ouvaleblanc_quandfondlaneige
your comfort zone… via @lisacongdon
recharge via @unionstnyoga
This cat is an asshole via Tim Ferriss

Right now the world is more and more complex, intense and confusing. Will robots replace us in 10 years? Are we all going to disappear with a mushroom blast? Is the economy going to crash again? What world are we offering to our children?

Right now the world is asking us where we stand for our planet, our future, and our kids.

We need new solutions, new ideas, new imaginations. We need everyone to use their capacity to dream, innovate, and see from a perspective that will offer another way.

We need everyone to activate their creativity.

Creativity is the capacity to see things slightly differently than others and being able to share that vision back with the world.

We all naturally perceive things from a slightly different angle but over the years we’ve learned to erase those edges and focus on the middle line, the one that overlaps with everybody else.

You can tune back with your creative muscle, your edges and your slightly different way to see the world.

That’s what we offer with 10.28 Detox™. The first round starts this Monday, enrollment closes in 24h.

Join 10.28 Detox™

See you on the other side.

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Nathalie Sejean is Activate® Creativity co-founder, a company dedicated to help you reconnect, stretch and nurture your creativity. Click here for more.



Nathalie Sejean
Activate Creativity

Film Director / Multi-media Storyteller /co-founder Faiseuse @faiseuse / Q.A.A.A Queer Artist Animist Activist /