Morag and me during our conversation at Son Rullan, Mallorca, July 2019

Exploring the rise of the reGeneration with Morag Gamble & Daniel Wahl

Daniel Christian Wahl
Regenerate The Future


Before the summer Morag Gamble, from the Permaculture Education Institute in Australia, visited Mallorca with her amazing family as part of a tour around Europe. Morag and I had a connection through Schumacher College and common friends like Max Lindegger for almost 2 decades, but had never met.

She invited me to do a little clip for her ‘Our Permaculture Life’ video/pod-cast series. We went for a half hour wander near a friend’s place in the Tramuntana mountains of Mallorca while she asked me some questions about my work.

We explored how to co-create regenerative cultures, the role of education in this, the need for training generalists able to integrate, synthesise and connect information, the importance of ecological literacy, permaculture …

We spoke about the need to create a glocal process of skilling up millions of people that will help to train ecosystems regenerators and culture change agents in many places all around the world.

Both of us feel that we are at the brink of a confluence of movements and initiatives. We need to find new ways to agree that we disagree on some nuances of how to do things and still be able to build and inclusive movement that can collaborate on creating a regenerative future together.

We need to connect the movements to each other and to an even wider popular culture in ways that makes people in place engage with the regeneration of their communities, their local/regional economies and the health and vitality of their local ecosystems.

This requires capacity building at a planetary scale but in ways that are grounded in the bio-cultural uniqueness of place.

The pathway towards building local and bioregional climate change resilience and the pathway towards creating diverse regenerative cultures everywhere as a means to reverse the warming trend and restablise climate patterns over the next 3 decades or more are actually very similar.

Reconnecting people to place and to each other, becoming indigenous again in our bioregions, appreciating the beauty of our relationships with each other and the wider community of life is at the heart of this shift.

The work that the permaculture movement and ecovillage movement have pioneered over the last 30 years is beginning to come into its own now and the models, experiments, and place-based solutions they have created are now critically important examples for people who want to see that another world is possible.

… we also mentioned the ‘Regenerative Projects Map’ in the interview as another example how many amazing projects there already are around the world.

… Morag and I also shared a little of our own plans for next steps. We both realised that we want to work even harder on making the movement more visible to itself and encourage everyone to amplify each other’s messages and work. We agreed that we need to build an even more diverse movement able to co-create while valuing our diversity as a source of creativity rather than a potential for conflict.

reGeneration Rising!

Trim-tabs Unite!

Thank you Morag for recording and sharing this conversation.

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Daniel Christian Wahl — Catalyzing transformative innovation in the face of converging crises, advising on regenerative whole systems design, regenerative leadership, and education for regenerative development and bioregional regeneration.

Author of the internationally acclaimed book Designing Regenerative Cultures



Daniel Christian Wahl
Regenerate The Future

Catalysing transformative innovation, cultural co-creation, whole systems design, and bioregional regeneration. Author of Designing Regenerative Cultures