Compliant, Ambitious, Collaborative

Laurène Tran
Published in
2 min readJun 17, 2019

Those are the three things that we’re looking for in partners at ACTIVE, the pan-European association 100% focused on cannabinoids for wellness and medicinal purposes. And to find those partners, we concentrate on the people behind.

Compliant: the regulatory landscape is complex and uncertain, you’re committed to investing technical and legal resources to be as compliant as possible, you care about your reputation

Ambitious: the market is huge, you want to build a profitable and fast-growing business, you have skin-in-the-game

Collaborative: this is a long game, you know that sharing a coherent message and amplifying high-quality content in policy is going to be key to the industry success in Europe, you’re a team player

We aim at the long term, we’re aiming to change the image of cannabis and contribute to the culture of entrepreneurship in Europe.

Cannabis for medical cannabis and wellness is a generational opportunity — We’ve entered into a new field that has its new rules, new opportunities, and new players. They will be as many opportunities as they can be brands and communities — the options are infinite.

Throughout Europe, we need to create an environment in which becoming an Entrepreneur using cannabis derivates is a safe and ambitious pathway.

Are you ready?

Welcome to ACTIVE.

