What is ACTIVE?

Laurène Tran
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2019
The first pan-European trade association for cannabinoids and terpenes.

The demand for CBD products (e-liquids, food complements, beverages, cosmetics, pharma) is increasing at a rapid rate. This is the reason why EU-based business leaders need to come together to shape the legal framework for CBD products.

ACTIVE is a pan-European trade association that unites companies, scientists, and investors working on CBD products in the medicinal and wellness segments.

CBD is a non-psychotropic compound of cannabis. CBD is safe and well tolerated by the human body ; it is not associated with any negative public health effects. (World Health Organization)

Our Founding Vision — Advancing CBD for medical and wellness purposes in Europe

Europe’s markets are flourishing

With the development of research and a wider acceptance of cannabis-related products, the CBD market is booming. While CBD-derived products can now be found easily in several EU countries, they still inhabit a grey area when it comes to their legality.

Current Challenges

Regulatory Paralysis. EU law does not control CBD by any means, so all member states have different laws concerning growing, producing, selling, or importing products with CBD and/or THC.

Unregulated Products on Sale. CBD e-liquids, food complements, and cosmetics that come without proper packaging and labeling damage the reputation of the whole industry.

Industry fragmentation. Discussions with authorities are nonexistent in some EU countries, and not fully coordinated on a European level because of cultural differences and language barriers.


A Single-Platform. We have an unprecedented opportunity: aligning the interests of the whole CBD-value chain across Europe with the European Union’s historical mission of completing the single market.

The CBD industry needs to come together and pursue a broader agenda, with European startups and global cannabis companies joining forces to advance their common interests.

In collaboration with ACTIVE local chapters, and existing organizations in each Member-states and in Brussels, ACTIVE is here to offer legislators and regulators indisputable technical expertise on CBD products in the medicinal and wellness segments.

The idea is to :

  • Inform policy-makers about the potential of the medicinal and wellness segments of cannabis and hemp-extracts for economic development, the ecological transition, and public health.
  • Analyze the impact of legal and regulatory proposals on the growth of our industry.
  • Promote positive, proportionate and effective solutions to turn Europe into the home of the safest and best-regulated cannabis and hemp-derived products ecosystem anywhere in the world.

If you also believe that regulatory mastery is a strategic asset and a pan-European approach is a way forward, join tradeactive.org and write to me at laurene@tradeactive.org

This may change 2 days after you read it … join tradeactive.org

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About Us

ACTIVE (Association for Cannabinoids, Terpenes, and Innovative Ventures in Europe) is the first pan-European trade association for cannabinoids and terpenes uniting companies, thought leaders, and investors in key European markets. We protect, educate, and connect stakeholders with a stake in medical cannabis and well-being CBD to coordinate a unified voice.

