10 Reasons You Should Use ActWorthy Today

Ross Katz
Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2018

ActWorthy makes effective grassroots political action simple. What does that mean for you?

2017 DC Women’s March: They Tried to Bury Us
  1. Actions are free. Every voice matters, so everyone should have access. You can drive change without spending money everytime you want to magnify your message.
  2. Actions are simple. You do not need a degree to understand how to help your community. Anything that is important to you is important to us, too.
  3. Actions are easy to carry out where you live. You don’t have to live in Washington DC or buy a plane ticket to have an impact. Be a changemaker where you live.
  4. You take actions that represent your values. Over time, ActWorthy learns which issues and actions are most important to you and recommends them to you. We learn your values and recommend the actions that accord with them. You are in charge.
  5. You choose your investment level. Too often, you are asked to give more than you have to give. You know what’s best for your schedule and your budget; we won’t pressure you to give beyond your means.
  6. You don’t have to search for actions. Actions find you. Your feed is full of actions we believe you want to take. The time you used to spend looking for actions can now be spent taking action.
  7. Your email inbox won’t overflow as your involvement increases. Email is exhausting. You need that energy to fight your fight. All your actions and organizers are in one place for the moment you are ready to get involved. We’ll send you regular digest emails just in case you miss something.
  8. The activists, organizations, and candidates you choose are the ones who dominate your feed. You tell us who inspires you. We help you find new activists, organizations, and candidates to follow and more actions to take.
  9. Your civic actions can be local, state, or national. All actions are in the same place. Today, you might take action with your neighbors. Tomorrow, you’ll take action alongside engaged citizens across the country. You decide where your energy is most needed.
  10. You do not have to display your political beliefs and civic actions to your family or your employer (unless you want to). Why should your civic engagement platform advertise your beliefs to the world? Unlike other social media platforms, you can keep the personal, professional, and political separate on ActWorthy (if you want).

ActWorthy is designed to make it simple for you to act in support of your values and beliefs. We make it easy for activists, organizations, and candidates to lead. You choose who to follow and which actions to take. We’ll handle the rest.



Ross Katz

Principal and Data Science Lead @ CorrDyn.com. Data by day and yoga by night.