Coming back to life and finding strength

Steve is standing his ground with the help of God and Shelter House

Bailey Baker
3 min readJul 20, 2018


Meet Steve

After a serious of extreme medical issues for himself and his mother , Steve lost his job and his home in Iowa City.

While fighting cancer, tumors, and heart problems, Shelter House has been there to feed, house, and support him while he recovers.

From caretaker to patient

A few years ago, Steve invested his savings in his mother’s medical care after she was diagnosed with dementia. Steve drove cabs for a taxi company for five years, had his own apartment, and felt in control of his life.

While on the job, Steve felt a sharp pain in his groin. The discomfort continued, and, after admitting himself to the hospital, Steve was diagnosed with Renal Carcinoma and a large tumor on his left kidney. Luckily, the cancer was not aggressive and his kidney was quickly removed. Steve was left weak and in recovery.

Domino effect

Steve did not realize that this was just the beginning of his medical nightmare. On his last day in the hospital, Steve’s heart stopped while staff administered his medication. They resuscitated him, but he flatlined again. After being revived for the second time, Steve was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure.

Steve wasn’t able to work following his stay in the hospital. He was weak and his stamina was gone. Steve was left with terminal health issues, without a job, and deeply in debt from his medical bills. He lost his apartment and has been subsisting without a home for two years.

A helping hand

Shelter House has played a vital part in Steve’s recovery. While taking the burden of finding food, clothing, and shelter off his shoulders, they also help him pay for the multitude of medications he requires for his medical issues. Since staying with Shelter House, Steve has been diagnosed with Bursitis (which causes hip stiffness and pain). He began seeing a physical therapist and has already seen improvement in his ability to walk, which may help him find a part-time job. Steve never lost his faith during times of extreme distress. He believes he will find peace through God.

“There’s a season for things that don’t go right and there’s a season for restoration. I believe in Him and I trust Him.”

- Steve

With his faith and Shelter House’s help, Steve is ready to heal and continue his personal journey. He feels like himself again.

If you have something to give

Shelter House is raising funds to help them support hundreds of people like Steve each year.

As part of the work for this story, ActWorthy spoke to people without homes who have travelled thousands of miles to make a life somewhere. They find more than a roof and a bed at Shelter House.

Please help Shelter House continue its essential work. Every dollar goes directly to Shelter House, and all transaction fees are covered.

This campaign is sponsored by Yotopia.

