Acudeen Bounty Program

Russ M
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2018
Acudeen Bounty Program

Greetings everybody! After months of preparation and hard work by the team, Acudeen is now ready to commence our first rewards program made specially for the community!

The Acutokens Bounty Program will commence on the 26th April 2018 until all the bounties are given out. The bounty program is structured into 3 different categories, the Telegram & referral bounty program, the Twitter bounty program and the Facebook bounty program. Continue reading below to learn how you can qualify to earn ACU tokens in each category.

Bounty Program Step 1 (Telegram)

Acudeen Telegram Bounty Program

To kickstart the bounty program, join our Telegram account at ! This will entitle you to 2250 ACU tokens. Yes, its that simple!

Step 2 (Twitter)

Acudeen Twitter Bounty Program

Follow Acudeen on Twitter at @TeamAcudeen ! This will add a further 1500 ACU tokens to your bounty rewards.

Step 3 (Facebook)

Join Acudeen’s Facebook page at ! This will increase your haul so far by another 1500 ACU tokens! *Remember to take a screenshot of your account after joining! More instructions as to what this is for in step 4 below.

Step 4 (Recording your Bounty Haul!)

Talk to the bounty bot @AcudeenBountyBot ( ! The BOT will request for your information to record them in the database. Without this information, we will not be able to distribute the bounty to you. Be sure to have joined the Telegram group, followed us on Twitter, and joined the Facebook group before this step. The Facebook screenshot will be requested here, so have it ready! 🙂

Step 5 (Going the extra mile)

What’s more, add up to 10 of your friends into the chat to earn even more tokens! Each friend added in will earn you 4500 ACU tokens. That’s right! EACH! *There will be checks done to ensure the added members are real accounts. If they are not, your entire bounty earnings will be denied.

Get down to the hunt now!!

