How Does Flutter Cuts App Development Cost?

Arnit Dave
Published in
7 min readFeb 24, 2021
flutter app development

Let’s talk about first what is FLUTTER?

Flutter is Google’s UI tool for developing excellent, natively compiled apps for mobile, web and desktop from a single codebase.

Fast Development

Paint your app to life in nanoseconds with Stateful Hot Reload. Utilize a rich set of completely-customizable widgets to develop native interfaces in minutes.

Expressive and Flexible UI

Rapidly ship features with attention on native end-client experiences. Layered architecture allows for full customization, which results in incredibly fast rendering and expressive and flexible designs.

Native Performance

Flutter’s widgets consolidate all critical platform differences; for example, navigation, scrolling, texts and icons and your Flutter code is compiled to native ARM machine code utilizing Dart's native compilers.

How to Estimate the Cost of Flutter App Development?

Flutter, a Google-backed open-source app development platform, has gained ground swiftly among app developers by setting new benchmarks. As an entrepreneur, if you want to build a robust app that can run seamlessly across all major OS including Android and iOS, then Flutter app development should be your choice. Rapid development, usability, and adaptability make Flutter a phenomenal platform for developing a cross-platform application.

We at Aculance, our company well versed in Mobile App Development Services with expertise hand in Native iOS, Native Android, ionic, React Native and Flutter.

Here are the key benefits of Flutter app development for your business.

  • It offers cross-platform app development in a cost-effective way
  • It has several quickly and customizable widgets for creating engaging applications
  • It can address similarity issues with iOS and Android successfully
  • It reduces app development time significantly
  • It is managed by Google and accompanies another form regularly
  • It offers a big exposure as compared to other platforms
  • It has a great tool like ‘Hot Reload’ which helps to reduce the development time
  • It helps application development utilizing a single codebase that not only saves time in development but also helps developers to test the app rapidly
  • It helps Material Design for Android and Cupertino for iOS to develop native applications
  • If you wish to build an application using the Flutter framework, here is your concise here is your brief guide for significant cost-determining factors.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop An App in Flutter?

As a strong and reliable framework for open-source application development, Flutter empowers you to bring a feature-rich application for your business. The development cost in Flutter relies upon the following factors-

Design Hours

UI/UX design assumes a crucial role in making your application mainstream. The UI/UX design services are identified with planning the application's interface. The number of hours necessary in the app design can determine the cost of Flutter app development.

Why Choose Flutter over other Cross-Platform Frameworks?

You may expect that each cross-platform framework can play out certain things and offers a few features fundamental for the work, and you have a point. But! Flutter is unique from its competitors in some key perspectives. We should investigate what makes Flutter application development better than other frameworks.

  • Same User Interface and Business Logic in All Platforms

We, experts, know that basically any cross-platform framework provides a way to share codebases between the target platforms. But there are no such application frameworks that allow sharing both the UI code the UI itself besides Flutter.

To illustrate, here's an illustration of how UI rendering looks like in most cross-platform frameworks:

This kind of rendering measure makes creating an application that looks native on each platform straightforward. However, the overlooked details are the main problem. Depending on platform-specific components for delivering incites a requirement for a property mapping layer for the platform widget and structure widget data synchronization. That’s what requires mapping every animation into a platform-specific widget call. So much more complicated than it needs to be, right?

In contrast, Flutter doesn’t need any platform-specific UI components to render its UI single thing Flutter needs to show the app UI is a canvas to draw onto. And here’s how it looks like:

Flutter’s way of rendering makes the framework stand out from the crowd eliminating any worries about the UI consistency on different platforms.

In brief, sharing the UI and business rationale, which is conceivable with Flutter, saves time, exertion and the wellbeing of the designer while not affecting the performance of the final result.

  • Reduced Code Development Time

From my experience, creating a standard average size Android application requires at any rate 40 seconds to get delivered onto the test gadget. Furthermore, once in a while, it can take always to change a small visual aspect in the design. Some of you might say, ‘Wait, however Android Studio has a design review for that.’ And it does. However, there is a yet: the component is restricted and doesn’t always work as expected, particularly with custom views.

Flutter’s “hot reload” feature, thus, permits seeing the applied changes immediately, without losing the current application state. What’s more, this is actually what makes Flutter application development a few times quicker because of the speed up.

Moreover, the Flutter team has put loads of effort into giving a wide variety of prepared to-utilize gadgets. The vast majority of them are amazingly adaptable, saving your time like no other framework previously. In addition to numerous core layout widgets, Flutter gives a large set of Material and Cupertino widgets that entirely emulate the conduct of each design language. Here’s how they work:

Altogether, you skip a few madly tedious strides in application development when utilizing Flutter, which makes the whole cycle quicker, less complex and less troubling.

  • Increased Time-to-Market Speed

This one is pretty straightforward. Flutter development framework works speedier than its alternatives. In most cases, you can expect a Flutter application to need at least two times fewer man-hours compared to the equivalent application developed independently for Android and iOS. The main reason is dead straightforward: you simply don’t need to write any platform-specific code to accomplish the ideal visuals in your application. Any 2D-based UI can be implemented in Flutter without interacting with a native application counterpart.

Besides that, Flutter gives a declarative API to building UI, which, in my experience, noticeably boosts the performance. This is most clear with regards to visual changes.

  • Similar to Native App Performance

Application performance is crucial for good UX. While it’s difficult to tell the specific figures, it’s safe to say that Flutter application performance in most cases will be indistinct from the native application and even better in complex UI animation scenarios.

Why? Contrary to the approach of most cross-platform frameworks, Flutter doesn’t rely on any intermediate code representations or interpretation. Flutter app is developed straightforwardly into the machine code, which takes out any performance bugs of the interpretation process.

Eventually, you get your release application fully compiled ahead of time with Flutter.

  • Custom, Animated UI of Any Complexity Available

One of the biggest advantages of Flutter is the ability to customize anything you see on the screen, regardless of how complex it may be. While it’s usually possible to do a very custom UI on the native platforms as well, the amount of effort required differs by the order magnitude. Here’s an example of such simple yet custom UI:

However, Flutter makes the process more adaptable and flexible without adding to the workload. Shared component changes, color/shape/shadow controls, cutting, transformations — Flutter permits you to perform out these easily. Here are some more examples of how it works.

  • Own Rendering Engine

Flutter permits you to accomplish such great deal stuff with your applications that aren’t available on other platforms. It requires the framework to be pretty powerful. In fact, most of the points introduced above wouldn’t be conceivable without an elite cross-platform rendering engine.

Flutter utilizes Skia for delivering itself onto a platform-provided canvas. Because of the engine, UI worked in Flutter can be launched on essentially any platform. Putting it differently, you no longer have to adjust UI to transfer it to a platform, which simplifies the development process hugely.

  • Simple Platform-Specific Logic Implementation

Besides the UI, some genuine mobile apps depend on cutting edge OS-level features, for example, bringing GPS coordinates, Bluetooth communication, gathering sensors data, consent taking care of, working with credentials, and so on Large numbers of these are available when building up a Flutter application through a ready-to-use module upheld by Google.

Obviously, there can be instances of your application depending on an OS-level feature that isn’t yet available as a module. However, the team has you covered here also! Flutter gives a simple to utilize way of establishing the communication between platform-native code and Dart through platform channels. Along these lines, you can execute whatever a native application can do on a Flutter application, with simply some extra effort on the native side. Here’s an illustration of how channels work:

  • The Potential Ability to Go Beyond Mobile

With Flutter, you can go a long way past Flutter application development on mobile. There’s also Flutter for Web and Flutter Desktop Embedding now. For example, at this year’s I/O conference, Google has presented a technical preview of Flutter web that makes it possible to run pure Flutter applications in a browser without modifying the source code.

Hopefully, the above post helps you for your business growth. Stay tuned for more updates!



Arnit Dave

Business Analyst || Web & Mobile App Development || IT Consultant