Meet Atlas’s On-the-Ground Banking Agents: Senegal

Published in
6 min readOct 30, 2018

Atlas is a mobile money app that facilitates peer-to-peer banking in West Africa. Founded by the same team behind the Access Network Foundation, Atlas will be the first app to deploy on the Access Network. In 2018, Atlas grew to a user base of 30,000 in West Africa. Through this banking system, we are able to reach a population of entrepreneurs, community leaders, and everyday residents who have otherwise lacked access to formal financial services.

Behind this growth story is a network of 500 banking agents who:

  • Fill “last mile gaps” down to the inch, in areas where people don’t have access to brick and mortar banking infrastructure
  • Enable job creation by flexing to demand and cost
  • Facilitate KYC and AML to a high degree of precision
  • Provide education to local communities
  • Connect banking systems to an ethos of compassion and kindness
  • Offer services beyond banking

Our agents love their customers. They thrive in cultures of camaraderie and friendship. They are mission-driven, with a mission to make their communities financially successful.

Read some of their stories, below:

Penda Fall

What is your background?
I went to primary school at Merina Dakhar School where I had my CFEE (Certificate of End of Elementary Education) in 2004. After five years at the college of Mekhe I had my BFEM (Brevet of End of Studies Averages.) As for the secondary studies, I went to the terminal. I also completed a program in computer science that lasted three months.

How did you become an agent?
I became an agent through my sister-in-law. She put me in touch with Atlas’s chief agent at the time, Matar Ngom.

Why do you like being an agent?
I like being an agent to work and make a living. I find this job exciting because it allows me to meet new people.

Can you describe to me your average day?
Every morning I wake up at 7am to get ready. At 9am, I start with my customers at the vegetable and fish market. I spend about an hour with them before moving to my other customers. My average collection is 150,000 CFA per day.

What kind of people/business are you banking?
My clients are small traders, vegetable and fish vendors, and also craftsmen.

Which area do you service?
I serve the area of ​​small shops and craftsmen.

What qualities make a good agent?
A good agent must be determined, understanding, and friendly with customers. He/she must be able to cope with all situations.

What is your favorite customer story from 2018?
I maintain a very good relationship with my clients. The story that made the biggest impression on me this year was when a woman, a vegetable vendor at the market told me that she had never had a savings account because she could not spare 500 CFA. Thanks to Atlas, she was able to save money and to expand her business without even moving.

What do you love most about the people in your community?
The people in my community are hardworking. They are nice, kind and, most of all welcoming. These are the qualities that I like most about them.

Coumba Diouf

What is your background?
In 2006, I completed my CFEE (Certificate of Completion of Elementary Studies), and then continued my studies in middle school. After, I participated in a sewing apprenticeship for 2 years. I stopped after I was introduced to Atlas.

How did you become an agent?
I became an Atlas agent through my aunt, who put me in touch with Matar.

Why do you like being an agent?
I like being an agent because this job is exciting and rewarding. It allows me to earn money and to save for the things that I need.

Can you describe to me your average day?
Every morning, I wake up just before 7 am. At 8:30 am, I do some work from home. At 9 am, I go out to see my clients and do my collections. I go to the market and to the surrounding areas before going to see the rest of my clients that are further. Most days, I am able to see the majority of my clients before 1:30 pm but if I can’t then I continue in the afternoon. My average collection is 85,000 CFA per day.

What kind of people/business are you banking?
My clients are traders, drivers, craftsmen, and a few other workers from various sectors.

Which area do you service?
I mainly serve the commercial and craft sector.

What qualities make a good agent?

A good agent must love their job, knowing how to communicate with customers and above all be smiling.

What is your favorite customer story from 2018?
The event that struck me the most this year is when a client called me to make a withdrawal because he had an emergency to settle. I called my supervisor, Matar, to give me the amount of withdrawal requested. Matar came with his bike to take me. We then went to give the money to the customer who thanked us because he was able to make a good deal that no other bank would have done. I felt a lot of pride in myself.

What do you love most about the people in your community?
What I like the most about the people in my community is their love for their work, their respect for me and in general, the welcome that I receive every day.

Mactar Ngom

What is your background?
After a few years in the elementary cycle, I did auto mechanics for several years. Then I was employed as a driver in a local company.

How did you become an agent?
I became an agent through the Mayor of Méckhé who put me in touch with Malick. I was the first collector agent of Atlas in Senegal.

Why do you like being an agent?
I like being an agent because I have the challenge to get to know Atlas and get it adopted by people in my community, where people already have a lot of respect and consideration [for Atlas].

Can you describe to me your average day?
When an agent is unavailable, I am the main agent. Every day, I supervise the work of the agents and I service clients who come to the agency for various topics. When I was a collector, my average day was around 200,000 to 250,000 FCFA

What kind of people/business are you banking?
My clients were mainly craftsmen and small traders.

Which area do you service?
I mainly served with the craft and commercial sector.

What qualities make a good agent?
A good agent is someone who knows how to interact with customers. He/she must be tolerant and especially virtuous.

What is your favorite customer story from 2018?
The story that marked me is that one day a customer called me at midnight for a dash. The customer had to take his wife to the hospital. She gave birth the same night. The next day, the customer called to thank me because, without Atlas, it was going to be very complicated for him. He told me that Atlas is for him the best financial service provider. I was much moved.

What do you love most about the people in your community?
The people of my community are brave because they are great workers.

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Twitter: @ACX_Network

Contributors Statement

This work was a collaboration between the entire Access Network team, ranging from the CEO to CTO, COO, Chief of Staff, and other members of leadership. Emily Burchill, Shannon Wu, Erin O’Grady, Ritika Puri, and Karissa Domondon created this story.


The opinions expressed are those of the authors and are no guarantee of the future performance of any Access Network fund or service. This material has been prepared for educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide, and should not be relied upon for, investment, accounting, legal or tax advice. Access Network is currently unlaunched and has not announced a token generation event. Blog posts are intended to provide education about the business model and its path to development, only.



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Decentralizing banking. Start local. Grow global.