Akash Deep
Searching Within
Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2018
Photo by Colin Watts on Unsplash, Am I waiting for the right time ?

PROCRASTINATION, Putting off or delaying or deferring an action to a later time

It is something that we all know and we all must have done or might be doing right now. We all know that it exists and we try to overcome it. There are many books, videos, info graphics, motivational videos, classes that you can easily find over the Internet.

However there is a difference between finding, knowing and applying them to your life in a useful way, productive way. I have been through this and it is not goal or trophy that you can win and forget. It is like a ladder. One step at a time.

So, how can we come over it ?

**Procrastination is linked to our belief system, which in turn is related to our priorities.**

I would recommend studying blogs or information related to the following terms : (Just a brief info, no need to go in-depth)

  • Neuro-linguistic programming — NLP
  • Reticular activating system in the brain, regulating wakefulness — RAS

You can use “Visualization” to over come “Procrastination”.

I also liked a book about “5 second rule” by a famous publisher to overcome Procrastination. You might want to check that as well.

I believe Procrastination is a state of mind, where there is a fight going on between YES and NO, where NO wins most of the time. (NO to proceed, do, perform, act, respond, understand)

Try the following steps to overcome Procrastination.

1. Select your Priorities.

2. Make a list, in your mind (I would recommend writing it down on a text book with a pen/pencil)

3. Not to mention, Important tasks should be on the top.

4. As per the tasks, mention the approximate time it is going take to accomplish it.

5. If possible, mention the hurdles that might come, to complete the task.

6. Once you have made the list, Pick only one task. OffCourse the top one.

7. Write it on a separate page, in CAPS.

8. Stand in front of the mirror and read it aloud to yourself. You can do it for 2–3 times or more.

We are trying to get our senses involved in the tasks that we need to do. It is same as the saying, “two are better than one” (It’s a saying in Hindi language).

You might have experienced, if a task is given to a group(our senses) and you give them a time slot to complete it (time to complete the task), it will complete for sure.

Hope the steps are helpful for you.
Try visualizing the task before sleeping

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash, Here I come…

Live well



Akash Deep
Searching Within

I am 4 Decade's old, learning and exploring the world as it comes to me. Birth-growiing-job-marriage-kids-learning-growing and trying to evolve.