Seek for Calmness, things will Automate

Akash Deep
Searching Within
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2018
Photo by Jennifer Regnier on Unsplash

I have noticed that when you have time and calm mind, things just happens automatically. As if you have scheduled the tasks.

I guess we all know that!

When we go through our daily routine tasks (Physical tasks), we should exercise our mind for calmness. What I mean is, instead of thinking of the routine tasks as a burden, you can either think how efficiently and easily you can do it next time or prepare the next task in your mind. Once you engage your mind on creative or productive things, while doing a physical task, you will not feel the burden of the task you are doing.

By doing this you are giving feeds to your subconscious mind. So once you start your next task, you feel it is half done, because you do not have to put the effort of thinking again, when starting the next task. Your mind will be at easy and you will perform the task much more efficiently and get better results.

I guess we all know what subconscious mind is capable of. The famous saying “what you reap, is what you sow”.

When you will use mind as a tool, it will open unlimited other possibilities to explore. It is like a nuclear reaction.

You must stay focused and keep it in control. Without focus and mandate control, you might get lost.

It is a good idea to use your senses i.e see, listen, touch, smell, feel as much as possible, so you can get emotionally involved in any task you are trying to accomplish or pursuing. Once you are involved emotionally, the calmness will come automatically, because you will make sure every step or task is complete, before going to the next step.

If you are finding it very hard to stay calm and focused, take a 5–10 minutes break and look at the nature, trees, sky,

The birds flying in the sky, feel the wind, it will calm you down and recharge you. You will feel motivated.

In case you are in a place where you cannot see the nature, you can open you tube and play a motivational video. There are hundreds of motivational videos you can see for free and they are awesome.

If your work allows, listen to some good music, it will keep you going rather than getting succumbed to unwanted thoughts while doing your daily tasks.

Value of Time : A Day is a Gift

For quite some time I was thinking about how we start our day. We go through the routine, tasks, office, home, kids etc and go to sleep. Day after day after day.

We are so indulged in the daily routine tasks with our body and mind we ignore the simple things or moments we are surrounded with. From personal experience I can tell for sure that ignoring the simple, neutral, natures gifts has become part of us.

Its not about time, tasks, duties, must do’s. What we need to do during the day, we will be doing it anyways. We feel satisfied by the end of the day that I have done everything possible that I was supposed to do. And I am ready for another DAY.

The moment we understand or say start feeling that another DAY is like a new GIFT, I am sure that we will start enjoying each and every Second, minutes, hours of the DAY.

Like someone rightly said, Past is history, Future is a Mystery and Present is a GIFT.

Its time we should start thanking and exploring the gifts that we get from this Universe(Nature, Environment, planet, Earth). The more you accept, perceive, more you get from the nature. Your movements, thought process, way of doing certain tasks, way of seeing someone, your outer behavior, feelings, emotions, everything will start changing in a positive direction.

You will not be confused while making any decision. You will know what you want in your life. Things will start aligning with you. The ideas will come without doing any brainstorming. You will actually become the best judge for yourself.

The best things in our lives are for free, instead of knowing that, we ignore them and never look beyond our physical self.



Akash Deep
Searching Within

I am 4 Decade's old, learning and exploring the world as it comes to me. Birth-growiing-job-marriage-kids-learning-growing and trying to evolve.