Want to bring out the real you — Start Thinking

Akash Deep
Searching Within
Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2018
Photo by Luca Ambrosi on Unsplash

YES, this is the first and the basic step for achieving or realizing your true potential. All the big things we see around were only a thought. What I am writing right now is also a product of same “Tree” called “Mind”. Thinking is a nutrient we give to our mind. So, the equation is: Think, feeds >> Mind, helps >> Results, Value (a product).

We are not that powerful yet, that we can move things with our minds. So the process of thinking is not a one time process. It is like the chants we do. We repeat them again and again. The purpose is to make the thought so strong that it becomes or gets united with your feelings your emotions.

Once your thoughts have emotions, you are bound to react. The reaction might be in several forms. Now your intellect comes in to the picture.

You must be able to see things, actions, circumstances, reactions, motives etc from others point of view. In fact you should be able to see them from “Neutral point of view”, unbiased.

I know it is difficult, however, it is not too hard too. All you need here is, attention. If you pay attention to anything or anyone it will connect to you. If you have not created boundaries around you, you will start feeling the connection.

Here is an example I would like to share. About a year ago, I was thinking about writing. I started a new 9–5 job in my hometown, not a huge city. As there is lot of free time in the office, I used internet to explore things. I also wanted to make a second source of income, so my search was on the things like, how to earn from internet, how to start a low budget business, home business, investments etc. I also joined many online programs, however, in by sub-conscious mind I was filtering the options I picked up.

Filtering is still going on and one of the option I opted was writing. It was easy for me to pick a topic to write as I was going through a transformation. I am not sure if I am a Spiritual person or not, somehow I was connecting to spirituality.

I do not practice meditation , however, I like to listen to motivational audio, meditative music before sleep. Many time psycadellic trance music. And I do it intensely and regularly. Almost every night.

It trained my mind to think whenever it is free. I thought about the Articles, blogs I will be writing. I found a good free platform “Blogger”. I wrote my journey of “Knowing thyself”. It was so easy write those blogs, because I had experienced, what was written in them.

So, my point is when you are emotionally involved in anything, you are bound to react. Its how you react to the situation or use the same to bring out something new out of you.

Evolve by getting Involved in the Nature

Photo by Sam Soffes on Unsplash

To harness the wealth of nature, you need to feel it first, it’s the same way you might have tried to feel/reach/understand yourself. To get involved with nature or say merge with the nature, one needs to reach a level of acceptance, patience, endurance about what is happening around him or her.

You need to involve your senses, mind , ears, eyes etc to the very moment that you are living in .Once you are able to do the same (Offcourse after some practice and concentration), you will physically experience the connection or involvement with the things around you.

It might be very subtle, but you will feel it. It will help you to understand and see the circumstances, the situations, the issues, problems from others point of view.

Once you are in sync with the nature, it will guide you or make situations, opportunities for you to follow and serve your purpose.

Your views are good enough to energize me and the writer in me.

Hope it was useful and applicable.

Live Well



Akash Deep
Searching Within

I am 4 Decade's old, learning and exploring the world as it comes to me. Birth-growiing-job-marriage-kids-learning-growing and trying to evolve.