Want to Control the Distractions? This might help you

Akash Deep
Searching Within
Published in
4 min readMay 1, 2018
Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash; This is the moment and you are the one who creates it.

It all depends how you look at the “Distractions”. For those who relate to spirituality, it’s the increase in level of Perception.

Here I will discuss about “Distractions” as a “Problem” and also a “Possibility”. And if you find it as a Problem, how to overcome it.

Would you believe If I tell you I am writing this post, article in the office, with things happening around me. There are so many distractions which I can see and hear, still I can write what I want to write. ** I can not avoid some distractions, If someone is calling me :-)** “Actually my colleague just did”.

No, we are not in the business of writing or printing or even reading articles at all. And I know that I could not write this in one go. So patience is the first thing that you need to dig on.

Here is what I did to take care of Distractions:

  1. Know your distractions.
  2. Think what that distraction is all about ( keeping the importance and priority of things in mind )
  3. Once you have identified that it is a Distraction, all you need to do is to Dissolve it, destroy it.

You can imagine something like this in your mind about it :

In my experience, seeing and hearing, these two senses we use are the major source of distraction. (I guess everyone knows it).

I used a simple method to control the 1st one, seeing. Every time I see something that falls in the category of distraction list I have made, I used to say “It’s a distraction”, “it is not useful”, in my mind. It might look simple, however, the results were fantastic.

You can use it for focusing on any kind of work you want to do.

Here are some Distractions I was able to overcome:

  1. Girls.
  2. Shopping places or sites.
  3. Movements happening around.

Just now I realized that all the stories I have posted were written in the office :-)

Sound is a powerful tool. The languages are basically sounds that we create. Like music changes the mood. The moment you hear a sound, your instincts react to it.

To overcome the distractions caused by sounds I used MUSIC.

In my last company, the process in which I was working, required writing emails to the customers. The quality team was very strict about the words, sentences we used in the emails. As the office had an open culture and it was a huge place, there was lots of noise. So I used ear phones to listen to the music and write emails at the same time. I used to hear all kind of music, whether it was a party song, slow song, hip-hop, but mostly trance (Arabic, psytrance, Goa Mix)

I used to hear music not only for writing but also to research on any specific topics related to work, learning new skills and mostly for brainstorming and get new ideas. I can not deny that it also became an addiction (would say a controlled one).

Distractions are also a great possibilities.

Photo by Rick Mason on Unsplash; Finding useful things in broken things is awesome.

Distractions are caused because they attract you. In some way or other, you might have some relation or liking for that thing, which is not letting you focus.

“If something or someone is not letting you focus on the work that you are trying to do, it is better to leave that work for a while. Let there be some space between you and your work”.

Give some time to the things that are stopping you to focus on your work, it is very much possible that your sub-conscious mind is trying to show you some better options or other ways to do that particular work.

Just a note out of my personal experience: If you are stuck somewhere, suppose you are looking for an answer in your life. Do not look up to others for the answers. Ask the right question to yourself. YOU WILL GET THE ANSWER. Practice it in a peaceful environment. Trust me, the answers will come for sure, you just need to recognize it.

The Third Eye

Photo by David Clode on Unsplash; I see things clearly, that how I survive.

To my understanding it is a very basic thing that one should have, in fact you already have it, it just needs some practice to use it efficiently.

“Third eye is related to your level of acceptance, ability to perceive the things happening around you. It is a tool to destroy the boundaries that stops your perceptive abilities”.

If I ask you a question, your answer is based on your personal perception or say knowledge of that particular thing at that point of time.

If I ask you the same question again after some time, you might have a better way to explain or answer the same question.

So, what exactly happened ? I guess you know the answer.

You get clarity about things, situation when you have the ability to perceive it. “THE THIRD EYE IS A WAY TO SEE THINGS CLEARLY”.

I hope the experience that I have shared is helpful. If you found it useful , it will encourage me to share my experiences as I get them and the one in the past.

Live Well



Akash Deep
Searching Within

I am 4 Decade's old, learning and exploring the world as it comes to me. Birth-growiing-job-marriage-kids-learning-growing and trying to evolve.