ΒΙΑΠ’s Candy-Marketing Runners

In one of our sessions in AD and PR LAB, we were asked to make a video advertisement of a product that we like. After our professors, Betty Tsakarestou and Dr. Stavros Kaperonis, gave us the correct instructions, we decided to go for the ΒΙΑΠ candy. At first, we wanted to do an advertisement about gum, but we decided against it; based on the research we did, we found plenty of advertisements of this kind and we thought that the idea of a candy ad would be more innovative.

Our goal was to create an advertisement of a product that is no longer on trend. Given that, we wanted to make new generations familiar with those treats from the past and at the same time to recreate the nostalgic feeling that existed in the older ones. Our video was influenced by the silent film atmosphere and shows a young couple’s first date in the castle of Lamia. In the beginning, the boy is waiting for the girl impatiently, and when the girl arrives, they hug and he later gives her the ΒΙΑΠ candy, as a symbol of love. In the meantime, we see some clever and short texts that present the history around the company and the advertisement.

The tools we opted for were the Filmora Wondershare for the video editing and Canva for the slides between takes. The video was shot with Nikon D3400 camera. Due to Covid- 19 and distance, we weren’t able to meet in person so as to discuss in detail and collaborate more easily. However, each member had its unique role in the video process (scenario, video shooting and video editing) and we created the best version possible.

Our Facebook post

On our facebook post, we wanted to sum up into a few words our idea and to attract the AdandPrLab facebook group members, in order to give us their feedback. Although we gained a satisfying amount of likes (29), the comments we received didn’t reach our expectations. This arises from the lack of interaction with the audience through our promoting text. Therefore, if we were given the opportunity to do it all over again, we would aim at a more of a creator-consumer communication.

The amount of likes and reactions on our post

Check out our video here !

Marketing Runners Team: Αγγελική Σκουφούλα, Δήμητρα Στεργίου, Agathi Tagari

#ADandPRLAB #advertising #video #marketing

