Οur Lab Experience — Start up


Hello to our readers, how are you doing?

In this post , we will give you insights on our Marketing Lab - Mobile/Digital , in Panteion University and how we managed to create our first ( fictional ) start up , in just a semester! Amazing i know!

In October 2019 we started the Digital and Mobile Marketing lab. It was a delightful experience, which helped us elaborate on the new trends that appear currently throughout the whole world.

Firstly, we formed groups which were to last for the whole semester. Sooo, at the very first session, we learned the basics when it comes to advertising and marketing, both in the digital and traditional world.
We learned about the marketing mix - four P’s and how to build a brand.
After a few sessions, we were asked to develop our own innovative start up, that could function and get successful in Greece.

The first thing that came to our minds was the tourism. Greece has a lot of tourists every year, visiting our country, and helping our economy. But, we realised that we missed so many opportunities as a country by only promoting summer holidays , the sun, the beaches, the drinks and not so much our agricultural land and experiences. With our start up, we would fix just that!

We presented our vision and research infront of our professors ( Dr. Betty Tsakarestou, Mark Aris and Lina Bakalexi) and investment experts and we received only kind words and helpful feedback!

Our goal was to bring people closer to agritourism vacations and to bring awareness on the opportunities Greece offers on that matter. Greece’s hidden treasures and beautiful landscapes are going to be shown on our app. Places that most foreign tourists have never even heard before and holiday packages that no native Greek has thought of taking will be laid out and advertised. There are so many options, from vineyards to modern spa-like places, that someone can enjoy their agritourism vacations in Greece. Extreme sports, cooking lessons, wine tasting, olive oil production, rejuvenation in healing waters are only a few of the options one has. The list goes so long and we don’t want to tire you! ( But if you are interested in learning more, we can send you the full list along with some ideal packages for your special needs.. or that would happen easier , with a visit in our app, if we actually created the start up 🙈 )

Our app, now that i mentioned it, is going to be consisted of generic packages for agritourism vacations, some special packages for individuals after submitting some information ( family vacation or friends vacations/ age / needs etc.), products that are produced naturally from the vineyards and the small companies that we cooperate with and that anyone can order them from home ( honey, jams, olive oil etc.) and special offers and discounts!

Our struggle was to find out how we can approach the younger generations that don’t particularly like the whole agritourism thing. We conducted a survey and found out why that is. Then we discussed and decided that a more friendly-fun-like approach when advertising should be preferred. We should let them know about the options behind the whole vision and that agritourism can be fun, entertaining and not tiring and boring as they think. If we don’t reach out to the new generations, Gen Z and millennials, then we have already lost the game. But we love challenges and this one seems like a good one!

Our first connection with building a start-up from scratch was a success! We are so proud of what we have accomplished in this semester, even though we know we have so much room for growth and learning. We are incredibly lucky to have such inspiring professors, that work on the marketing, ad and pr field right at this moment and that can show us exactly what’s going on in the market right now.

I speak for all of us when i say that we are now less stressed and worried about what’s to come and what the business expects from us, because this semester gave us a feeling of confidence and a great amount of knowledge! We are ready to learn more and to not stop evolving. Thanks for the boost Markos Aris Lina Bakalexi Betty Tsakarestou! 😁

Christina Dadina Sofia Mavragani Eleni flevotomou Alexandros Dimou Marialenadr DELIcious

Ps. Check out our site and give us your feedback on it, if you’d like! Thank you! https://agrigogreece.wordpress.com/

Below you will find more information about our project.

If you’ve reached this far, you’re awesome!

