Fit your Brain, the app

The alternative way to combine exercise with cultural experience


In the context of a university project, we have created a team consisted of 5 members with the purpose of creating and promoting a new idea. We came up with the project “fit your brain” which is an app that combines body healthiness with the mind development. It is based on the greek quote “νους υγιής εν σώματι υγιεί”, which means a healthy mind in a healthy body. Our main goal is to encourage people to take control of their lives. We intend to achieve that by creating an application that combines two fundamental values, athleticism and culture.

Part 2. Research Results

In order to avoid potential problems, we decided to prepare a questionnaire addressed to potential users. The subject of the research was based on the hypothetical application from our own inspiration.


The majority of our respondents (consumer segment) are near the same age (18–35) and have a similar educational background (University), so it would be more probable for them to have cultural awareness. Let alone if we consider that the 43,8% of our potential customers visit exhibitions, museums and different kind of attractions.

As for the question ‘’ how possible is for you to use this kind of application?’’ from scale 1–5 (1=not possible, 5=very possible) the 62,6% responded 3. It seems that users are more cautious with applications that aren’t popular enough. We can assume that they would try the application but they wouldn’t be loyal customers.

Furthermore, the 56,3% of the respondents are not gym fanatics. Exercising in a confined area is very monotonous for them.

With the passage of time, young people express themselves more artistically. Therefore, we will incorporate a camera system to our app that will give to our potential users the opportunity to show their artistic side and endorse our work at the same time.

As for the question ‘’How often do you exercise?’’ from scale 1–5 (1=never, 5=always) it’s remarkable that the 50% of the respondents answered 2. We can presume that due to the fast-paced way of life and the lack of leisure time, people seem to ignore the dangers of an unhealthy lifestyle.

The 87,5% of the respondents were very positive of our application idea. Young people seem to be more open to new things, let alone if we consider that the 81,2 % of them would combine cultural interest with exercising. It’s an interactive way to save time and simultaneously improve the quality of life.

Changes that we will take into account

The answers from our research were quite helpful, because some respondents mentioned the financial matter of this application. The app will be downloaded for free, but we will be advertising different cultural events (such as museums, historical places etc.) which we will be charging our sponsors for.

Others, mentioned the importance of the brand. In that case, we will make sure that our logo will capture the consumers eye.

Furthermore, some respondents highlighted how important graphical user interface is. So with the appropriate technological support, we could focus on this matter.

As for the idea of chatting, it doesn’t seem so bad. The users could communicate in order to exchange their experiences.

We strongly believe that today’s society needs an innovative application that will change the way people approach certain situations.

Discover more in the following posts,


Part 1: Challenges and Vision
Part 2: Research Results
Part 3: Prototype Worksheet
Part 4: User Experience Map
Part 5: Storytelling

Team Members:

Agis Lamprakis (fb:
Eirini Zaveli (fb:
Georgina Georgakopoulou (fb:
Filitsa Makri-Moutousi (fb:
Hlianna Theodwrakopoulou (

AD Discovery Workshop: an experimental peer-to-peer learning hands-on workshop conducted by Betty Tsakarestou, Assistant Professor at the Department of Communication Media and Culture of Panteion Univeristy, Athens, Greece.

