300 Barbie Dolls

Whole Interview File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_kM_IXzCqL-Omcn6N5AO9PE_GSiWLBBw/view?usp=sharing

There is no better way to learn everything about a brand than an interview with a passionate user. That is exactly what we did as Barbie’s ambassadors. And we definitely found the most ideal person to give us valuable information and an even more valuable aspect concerning our brand.

Katerina Mavroidi is 24 years old and she is a very talented musician. Apart from the violin though, she has always loved to play with Barbie dolls. So Katerina told us everything about her collection of over 300 Barbie dolls and how Barbie literally changed her life for good.

She started recalling memories from her childhood, when she got her first Barbie doll as a Christmas gift. It was the day she fell in love with this brand and started collecting dolls. She told us about her favourite characteristics of Barbie, as well as her most beloved doll, which she also showed us along with other pieces of her massive collection at the end of the interview. We were surprised to hear that she actually never played with her favourite “Angel” doll. It has been so precious to her that she has kept it on a plastic stand in a glass closet, in order to protect it.

Katerina also expressed her great satisfaction with Barbie’s latest campaigns that promote body positivity and equality, as it has always been her wish. It was very important to see such a powerful message coming from her favourite brand.

An interesting fact was her outlook on today’s children that no longer want to play with traditional toys like dolls, due to technology’s advance. More specifically, Katerina remembered whole sections with Barbie dolls in toy stores when she was little, and she couldn’t compare them with the almost empty shelves she faces today. “Children nowadays would rather play Barbie online games than buy the actual dolls” she stated.

However the most important part of the interview was the moment she told us about the way Barbie affected her attitude towards life, not only concerning beauty but also aspirations. It is undeniable that Barbie has to do mainly with female beauty. This brand definitely made Katerina appreciate fashion and beauty. But in addition to that, Barbie was Katerina’s role model in life. She always thought of Barbie as “the incarnation of success”, and that was the main reason she followed a music career and decided to set high goals in her life. That is exactly what we wanted to show to the audience. Barbie is not only about being a beautiful woman, it is mostly about being a successful woman. A woman who is perfectly fine with her looks, no matter her weight or race, and a woman who is not afraid to follow her dreams. This is the real Barbie and that is where its success lies. Noone can deny that a brand is actually successful when it has the power to affect people in this extremely positive way!

Betty Tsakarestou Merope Kolokassidou Vasiliki Tassi

