A.S.A.M.A Group: Our journey continues…


Having realised our values and missions as a team, as well as having fully understood the meaning of trust and good reputation for a brand -elements that we needed to become familiar with as a Public Relations agency in order to be able to start our journey as a brand- we continued by applying our knowledge regarding trust through a case study.

State of consumer trust: Netflix as a trusted brand

Our team had to read through the “State of consumer trust”, by The Morning Consult(https://morningconsult.com/form/gen-z-millennials-trust/), in order to understand modern consumer behaviour regarding today’s most trusted brands, as well as note the characteristics which lead to trust building. Then, we had to choose one brand from a list of companies which were deemed by The Morning Consult as the most trusted brands of 2020, and study it in order to note which trustworthy characteristics it had.

Find this presentation here: https://www.slideshare.net/secret/FhCJosW1HD4xtj
Photo by Cameron Venti on Unsplash

The brand we chose was Netflix, the American content platform and production company, known for its subscription-based streaming service offering online streaming from a library of films and television series. By using our already acquired knowledge regarding trust-building, we were able to find the different characteristics which aided Netflix in becoming one of the most trusted platforms in 2020, ranging from its integrity to its reliability.

Brand DNA: A new step in our journey

With Easter break coming the next phase of our learning journey began, and thus we started with a strong focus on branding. We began by watching 5 informative TED talks by professionals and noting important aspects that help form a brand. From the meaning of the term “brand DNA” and how it can be cultivated to form a brand, to the way a brand should promote its message through public relations, we took note of information we knew we could use in our agency and created a PowerPoint presentation.

Find this presentation here: https://www.slideshare.net/secret/6rbjBP92BI3JFl

The workshops: where the magic happened


The week that followed, we were informed that we would indeed use our newfound information, since we were to participate in a two-part experiential studio workshop, held by our professor, Betty Tsakarestou. We were called to do some preparations, by firstly reading and becoming familiar with the resource “A Complete Guide to Successful Brand Positioning” (https://blog.hubspot.com/sales/brand-positioning-strategy), and afterwards slowly following the steps provided, having chosen our client.

The process of choosing our client was rather simple, and thanks to one of our teammates. Taking into consideration the fact that our PR agency is based in Athens, Greece and has a focus on empowering and helping women showcase their talents, their ideas, and themselves, we wanted to choose a client that was well known amongst Greek women. That is when our teammate suggested the Greek fashion brand Forébelle, and after a brief look through the company’s mission and values (making fashion accessible to everyone), we fell in love with it and decided to take them on as our client for the next two workshops.

The research was time consuming, however by using Miro we were able to put together our research regarding Forébelle’s competitors and what makes it unique.

In the second part of the branding studio we were able to put together the Creative Brief of our client, in order to decide the specifics about the campaign we were to prepare for our client as our eminent final project. By using the background information we already had, we were able to decide the target audience, the clear objectives, the deliverables, the tone of voice of the campaign, as well as the timeline and milestones we wanted to achieve.

Find our Miro board here: https://1drv.ms/p/s!AomtQGJvRmb_qlOOtQ-KnDj9CMJu

In our last lessons, other than the branding workshop, we had some guests, one of which was Mrs. Eleni Karamalegkou, Group Social Media Director at Sky, London. She had a brief assignment prepared for us regarding Content Marketing, in which we had to do some research on some of the most recent Content launches online and draw differences and similarities between the launch strategies on social media, as well as draw some conclusions over their target audience and branding objectives, along with their commercial goals.

Find this presentation here: https://www.slideshare.net/secret/1hy8F6i0DL4t7Y

Our team chose the launch of “The Queen’s Gambit” and “The Witcher” by Netflix, since we are all familiar with that platform and its different series. As such, our team started looking into the different strategies Netflix followed during the launch of those two series, and pointed out some conclusions regarding the way the platform uses social media, more specifically how they consistently upload behind-the-scenes and funny on their different social media profiles, but for more informational content focus on their trailers on their YouTube channel.

Example of advertisement: https://youtu.be/mgLLbCY9L4o

Lastly, we had two more guests, Sorotos Giannis and Eric Parks, for an interactive lesson. The two professionals showed us different advertisements and advertising campaigns, and allowed for each of us to comment our thoughts on whether each was successful and why we thought so. It was a very informative experience, and our team was able to get a grasp of how a company can showcase its branding message through visuals, along with how one advertisement can highlight a brand’s values and mission; information which we used for our client’s campaign.

Overall, as we have reached the end of this semester, our final thoughts as a team is that working together in order to bring to life our ideas, as well as seeing our ideas growing and taking their final form, is very rewarding. Our team started as 5 young women who wanted to find their own way to inspire and uplift other women, and through knowledge gained from our different assignments we were able to develop our ideas and focus our collective ambition into creating Forébelle’s final campaign, which we will also discuss at length in a different article. This journey has been full of fun, stressful and creative moments that have led to important growth which we will most definitely use to our advantage in the upcoming future.

You can find all the presentations mentioned here:

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