A.S.A.M.A group : Our story and first steps.


It all started when the words of our professor Ms Tsakarestou formed the phrase “Create your groups and start your own marketing agency!”. It only took us a few minutes to create our team, as we already knew each other and we were quite sure beforehand that our team would follow the path of success! Athena, Sotiria, Anna, Maria and Antzela. We, five girls with passion, creativity, ambition and fresh minds, created our own startup company and named it A.S.A.M.A which stands for the first letters of our names.

Find this presentation here: Asama presentation (slideshare.net)
Find this presentation here: Asama presentation (slideshare.net)

Maria has a speciality in creative writing, Sotiria in management, Athena in research and communication, Antzela in marketing and Anna is our content creator! After allocating everyone’s domain, we were ready to start our fresh new creative company! We brought this agency into existence with a view to help and inspire women to carry out their dreams and encourage them to explore and express their creativity through the new norm of technology!

~1st presentation-Fearless Girl campaign

Without any further delay, we started giving dimension to our company and expeditiously chose a theme for our first presentation. For our first assignment we had to opt for a Cannes Lions’ 2019 Grand Prix winner and after making a meticulous research, showcase their campaign. All the winners were remarkable, but there was one that caught our eyes and that was the one with the Fearless Girl.

New York: Fearless Girl who faced down Wall Street’s bull moved to new spot | New York | The Guardian

The main reason behind our choice is that this specific campaign was a step forward for a non-discriminatory world! What the fearless girl campaign was about, is that every girl, every woman can succeed in their life not only by creating a family, but also by getting high positions in the business world, but simultaneously, showcasing the absence of women’s appearance in the market and financial corporations. Fearless girl was not just a metal statue on the most popular business street in New York. It was an inspiration for all women of every age, colour, sexual orientation, religion and origin!

~2nd presentation-Our comany’s identity & values.

Time ran quickly and it was time for our next presentation. What we had to prepare was a display of our start-up marketing agency’s identity and values. This entailed a lot of discussion since it was finally time to establish and give dimension to our business, and delineate what our values will be. Since we all are young women, we thought that it would be of great importance to work on the field of women empowerment and give a lift to every woman who wants to fulfill her business-oriented dreams!

Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash

Our overriding aim -as a freshly started business- is to assist “start-uppers” who want to give life to their business-oriented ideas by getting them in touch with professionals of any kind of field . With a working environment that is cooperative and willing, we were ready to help ambitious women walk in the road of business.

~3rd presentation-ASAMA’s trust & reputation

A week passed and a new assignment was running. After presenting and analysing our agency’s aims and values,it was time to get more organised as a company and get a bit more familiar with marketing terms in order to take a step closer to being professionals!

Rachel Botsman on business trust

We’ve stopped trusting institutions and started trusting strangers | Rachel Botsman — YouTube

Our next presentation was all about brands’ trust and reputation, so we immediately began researching and learning every piece of information about these two terms but also watching a few videos such as one of Rachel Botsman. In this assignment, our aim was to present how we, A.S.A.M.A will incorporate trust and reputation in our company, in order to create brand loyalty and bring value to our customers-to-be. After a lot of hard work, we had created our next presentation and we were ready to share the knowledge we had built with our professors and the other teams.

That however was not enough, as we wanted to get even more familiar with these two marketing terms, so it was of great significance that we examine even more Rachael Botsman’s work on brand’s trust.

~4th presentation-The trust Barometer of 2021 by Edelman

Οur team was assigned to study the Edelman Trust Barometer of 2021, and take notice of the role that companies have in today’s society, especially with the pandemic of COVID-19 having brought about many changes.

2021 Trust Barometer Launch Event | Edelman

By reading through the report, we realised that a very important erosion of trust has taken place towards leaders, institutions,as well as news sources, due to different factors that have each played their own role in making people feel insecure about the people that are supposed to be guiding them. Mainly the global pandemic we’re currently facing, the crisis of leadership, proven by the poor handling of the pandemic in many countries, the infodemic and spread of misinformation concerning the virus and the events surrounding it, along with the fear of modern technology leading to job loss have lead to a decrease of trust in institutions. Rather, people have turned to businesses, expecting them to fulfill the roles of those institutions by being socially responsible.

Find this presentation here : Edelman trust (slideshare.net)

One thing that has to be stated is that we’ve learned how big of significance trust and reputation are for a company. Knowing these terms very well, an agency can measure how much confidence their customers have when they choose a brand and they can see whether their customers will remain loyal.

The Currency Of Trust (Rachel Botsman, author ‘Who Can You Trust?’) | DLD 19 — YouTube

Trust leap, trust stack and trust currency are not just marketing terms. They are marketing tools that help marketers know how their clients-to-be behave and choose among many different brands. It is important to keep any kind of contact with clients, in order to create an expanding giving and receiving family!

The Currency Of Trust (Rachel Botsman, author ‘Who Can You Trust?’) | DLD 19 — YouTube

The Currency Of Trust (Rachel Botsman, author ‘Who Can You Trust?’) | DLD 19 — YouTube

Furthermore, having a good reputation as a company is a goal that has to be achieved, as it is important for a company to know what is the perception people have of their work. And that can be reached by chasing good communication with clients and clients-to-be, but also via showing a clear brand mission and identity.

Our start-up company’s first presentations and projects may seem plain sailing. However, it was of big importance to make some basic steps and get a taste of what being a part of a business feels like.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

We definitely learned that a company needs more than just work and knowledge. It entails commitment, good communication, passion and creativity. However, our journey as a start-up marketing agency was not over. It had just started!

~You can find all the presentations that have been mentioned, here:

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