“AdAlert: our product description”

Impact story


The name of our company is youTHUNDER and our startup product is AdAlert. When it comes to the generation of our idea, we decided to create something worth having for all people. Thus, our desire was to produce an easy-to-carry product that will assure our clients’ safety on the road.

AdAlert, as we call our new gadget, will be adjusted to the user’s body. At first, it will be focused exclusively on drivers. Not only will it take care of the driver, but it will also prevent from extra accidents that can harm the other drivers as well.

AdAlert will read the measurement of variables, such as the heartbeat. It will be connected to an application, in which the customers will have entered their own personal data and medical history.

When AdAlert spots an acute change of the heartbeat, it will display a certain list of emergency phone numbers (such as 166, 100, doctor’s number, close relative’s number etc.) on the mobile screen and simultaneously it will produce a typical sound to warn the driver.

If the driver doesn’t choose one of the above choices or the choice “Continue driving” in the upcoming minutes, then, automatically, ambulance will be called. The location of the car will be tracked via satellite.

On top of the above, we plan to launch a more advanced version, where our gadget will integrate the software of a cardiologic gadget, already existing in USA.

The existing gadget -an electrocardiograph- can perform cardiograms that detect the exact problem the moment it occurs. AdAlert will provide the same service. It will even be able to take the driver’s cardiogram continuously, while he/she is driving.

If the cardiogram detects anything unusual or irregular, AdAlert will function as before said: display the emergency phones and call directly an ambulance if no choice is made within a reasonable time. On top of that, there will be an option: AdAlert could directly inform the doctor, whose number is recorded in the user’s data base.

The analysis of extra parameters will assure that all kinds of heart diseases will be detected while driving and not only the ones that appear in fluctuations in the heartbeat.

The success of the functioning of this gadget arises from the fact that it will guarantee the greatest accuracy possible in its estimations. It will combine both stimuli (ex. fear, danger, pain) that manifest themselves via the fluctuation of the heartbeat and real cardiograph calculations.

Further description of our new AdAlert application

Based on this philosophy, an app for AdAlert was created. The team tried to bring this project tolife. Imagination became reality from the very beginning with the first images of the app.

About the usability of this app: The main purpose was to be simple, elegant, smart and easy-to-manage during a crisis. The menu gives to the user 4 simple choices: to call, to ask for help (red button), to do some tests - such as measuring rates of heartbeat - and also to view his/her previous medical tests that have been saved.

To begin with, each user must create an account, in which he/she will sign in and he/she will add his/her personal information, such as name, blood type, phone etc. As for the user’s journey, “call” button transfers you to the calling menu of the phone and there is also a button for searching the contacts. The red button, gives you the primary pieces of advice when you face urgent circumstances. For example: “Follow the steps: Please stay calm, activate the car’s alarm and Stop…’’. At the same time, the user has the ability to swipe right the button that says “Emergency’’ and calls automatically 166. Simultaneously, our client’s location is tracked with the location button. In the menu for medicine tests, user can choose among some options, such as cardiograph (full package), heart rate measurement, oxygen measurement in blood etc. In their history menu our users can either add new results or preview their old ones. Finally, through the Adalert app our clients can edit their profile, learn about the weather, find the social media of AdAlert, rate the app, control the settings and log out.

Δήμητρα Κιοϊλόγλου Amanda Linara Ιριάνα Νίκα Anastasia Liakou Theodora Fokaeos

Professors: Betty Tsakarestou Markos Aris Lina Bakalexi

