Always - #LikeAGirl

‘’Always’’ main goal in business is to accommodate women. Since day one, their motivation was to help and boost women in their most difficult periods. As a part of P&G family, ‘’always’’ tried to be there for mothers, daughters, families, caring about health hazards and environmental protection. Having a difficulty in attracting the new generation of consumers they decided that they should modify their brand in order to become more fresh and appealing. Trying to win new costumers without losing your identity is something difficult but ‘’always’’ succeeded.

Staying true to their real goal ‘’ Always’’ decided to chance the way that society looks at young girls, defying all social and sexist double-standards. Girls learn about always products when they are at puberty . At the time they are going through a rough transition from being kids to women. Their bodies start to change and sometimes insecurity makes an appearance .

With a new research they found out that at puberty a girl’s self esteem is more likely to be affected rather than a boy’s . Having found the real problem they proceeded in finding a solution. That was the key to their new ad campaign. It all started when someone used the phrase ‘’ You do it like a girl ‘’ like that is something negative.

Furthermore, they decided to make a film where they asked people with different ages how are girls supposed to do daily things , such as running or throwing a ball. They showed to the world that people are still filled with stereotypes that women have to falsely endure and live with . With that social experiment they proved that girls at puberty and adult women reacted differently when they heard the phrase ‘’ do it like a girl ‘’ but they also discovered that women have the power to change the way that the world see them .

They realized that ‘’ to run like a girl ‘’ is not weakness but power. A woman can run as fast as she wants , she can throw a ball like a professional and she can do whatever she wants ,as successfully as any man would . She can fail , she can try again , she can enjoy sports and she doesn’t have to be ‘’ feminine enough’’. With this ad ,‘’Always’’ wants to be there when young girls are ready to quit doing what they love because society makes them feel not good enough. They want to replace self doubt and associate the brand with women’s confidence .

Once the ad went viral , everyone could be a part of the campaign , they could contribute and change the society. People started posting their views all over social media by adding the hashtag like a girl . ‘’Always’’ was able to win many awards such as D&AD Pencils across eight separate categories but what matters the most is that it chanced many lives forever.


Overachievers: Maria Griva, Maria Kall, Antonis Katsis, Eva Constantinou, Nickos Pan, Thanasis Papadopoulos

Betty Tsakarestou Lina Kiriakou

