Aplus is Revealed!


At this semester we had the opportunity to attend Stavros Kaperonis’ class “Digital Creativity: Apps, Games, Coding”. At this class, we were asked to create either a website, or an e-shop for our final project. After consideration, our team decided to make a website, as we came up with an interesting, breakthrough idea. Our goal was to create an online platform through which college students would be able to upload and share their assignments, and at the same time check other people’s assignments as well, in order to get inspiration and ideas. We named this platform APlus. Through APlus, each student has the chance to submit any assignment he wants, regardless which topic it is about. The site has also a variety of categories including science, medicine, marketing and civilization studies. Furthermore, students are also able to like and comment on other people assignments. Consequently, we will see the details of our work and the procedure we followed.

Aplus tour:

APlus , as we said, is a platform in which university students, from all over the world, can submit their assignments. We wanted to create a community, Aplus community in which every guest would like to become a member. The general theme and background of the site are peacefully but at the same time they’re dynamic and show creativity and innovation.

So, we made our Homepage as attractive as we could thinking that it is very important to draw guest’s attentions from the first minute.

(Our homepage’s banner)

To be more precise, our homepage has its main menu which will be explained later, platform’s aim, services and of course a collage of our team. We give more info for the people behind this idea at “Get to know us” section in a humorous way.

(Some screenshots of the homepage)

However, the most important areas are those that serve the social platform part of the side. Clicking on the “Sign In” if you’re a member already you can log in , enter into your profile page, send messages and adjust your plus profile.

(You can post and share your thoughts) (You can send private messages )

If you are not a member yet, you can subscribe in our community by clicking on “Join our community” section.

Αnd then you can start your Aplus experience. Upload your assignments, find others you may be interesting, share your thoughts with other students and finish your assignment by the deadline. In Aplus we promote the relationship of “give and take”. As Adam Grant says: “success is increasingly dependent on how we interact with others”. When you help someone with your assignment chances are you will be helped in the future from someone else. And not only that, but also our community has partnered with scouters, who can detect an interesting assignment and can communicate with its editor via message. So through Aplus you could find your future job just by uploading your university assignments.

But where all the magic happens? Of course in our “Forum”, in which you find the educational field your assignment belongs to and then you can upload it in existing topics or create a new one. And don’t forget, feedback is always appreciated!

(The existing educational fields and the assignments that our members have already uploaded)

(Here’s a sample of our member’s work)

Finally, there is “Contact” , where anyone can send his opinion, and ask anything about the site. We have also an e-mail to facilitate our members and stakeholders like scouters but we couldn’t miss the chance to create a Facebook page in order to build an engagement with our students and boost the community’s awareness.

Our work:

Even though we were not very familiar with the kind of work we were asked to deal with, we tried our best in order to have a successful result. We firmly believe that Teamwork makes Dreamwork, so we don’t really like to work individually. We had several meetings in order to create a plan and focus on the details of our under construction website. The tutorials we were given helped us decisively and gave us a boost at the beginning. Nevertheless, nothing would have been done, if we were not inspired by the motivational spirit that every member of the team had. When you work as a team, cooperation & flexibility are necessarily required. Last but not least, we were lucky enough and really privileged to have been Dr. Stavros Kaperonis’ students in this semester. It was our pleasure to work under his supervision.

As a team, we gained a lot of experience and knowledge from this project and it was by far the most interesting. Although, the idea of creating a website wasn’t easy, after hard work we achieved the wanted result. Also, we paid special attention to the design of out website as it plays very important role. However, we couldn’t have reached the outcome without our teacher Kaperonis Stavros, who had the patience to explain us the operation of websites and co-operated with a web expert giving us a boost up. He is an excellent teacher but in the first place an excellent person! We hope that we lived up to your expectations.

Thank you for everything!!

Our Team: Emmanuel Kavarnos, Orestis Kapsis, Lena Patili, Marianna Renesi.

_______________ Betty Tsakarestou ________________

