During this semester at the course Advertising and Public relations, in respect to Brand Building and Brand Strategy, our team decided to work on Apple Inc. Our first prepossession, was to deeply understand what is brand.

A successful brand should be built up over time. The brand must be built gradually with attention, to conquer a permanent audience and to have a great voice through its diversity. The key element on which the brand should be based is the identity of each company. In short, identity is the basis on which the brand will develop and is the key to it’s success. Persuasion and loyalty are not belong to the definition of brand because there are not driven exclusively by the brand. It is recognition that is branding’s function, if the recognition is great, branding can influence persuasion and loyalty by providing orientation, fostering trust, and enabling self-expression

A promise is a prerequisite of a strong brand, part of the branding strategy. Reputation and image are influenced by branding, but also by other factors, which are not inherent to brands Without the entity, brands could not exist . A brand is the sum of all expressions by which and entity intends to be recognized. We don’t need redundant words or words emotionally charged, because in that way the definition loses it meaning.


Apple Inc. had its genesis in the lifelong dream of Stephen Wozniak to build his own computer — a dream that was made suddenly feasible with the arrival in 1975 of the first commercially successful microcomputer, the Altair 8800, which came as a kit and used the recently invented microprocessor chip.

Encouraged by his friends at the Homebrew Computer Club, a San Francisco Bay area group centred around the Altair, Wozniak quickly came up with a plan for his own microcomputer. In 1976, when the Hewlett Packard Company where Wozniak was an engineering intern, expressed no interest in his design, Wozniak, then 26 years old, together with a former high-school classmate, 21-year-old Steven Jobs, moved production operations to the Jobs family garage — and the Silicon valley garage start-up company legend was born Jobs and Wozniak named their company Apple. For working capital, Jobs sold his Volkswagen minibus and Wozniak his programmable calculator.

Their first model was simply a working circuit board, but at Jobs’s insistence the 1977 version was a stand-alone machine in a custom-molded plastic case, in contrast to the forbidding steel boxes of other early machines. This Apple II also offered a colour display and other features that made Wozniak’s creation the first microcomputer that appealed to the average person.

The mission statement highlights the company’s focus on computing devices and related online services .Apple is committed to bring the best personal experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers.

’The company considers the changing business landscape, which influences the possibilities of what the business can do.”

‘’The company recognizes the changing market and industry environment.’’

‘’Apple sees its products not as a tool for human advancement but as its raison d’être — its reason for being”.

After a long research on Apple’s Branding, we realize the Apple’s strength and the scale that has by all rights in the avant-garde marketing.

Bright Day team:

Nikolina Thoma

Nikoletta Andreopoulou

Elisavet Liapi

Konstantina Machaira

Alexia Moschouti

Antonia Vlassi

Thank you for reading!

