
Creation of a report, a facebook post and an instagram post for youTHUNDER company. Product/Service Name: AdAlert

As youTHUNDER, we decided to generate a gadget that will be able to combine car safety with direct action via communication.

Thus, our product, AdAlert, will be fit on drivers’ body, being able to take their cardiogram while they are driving. Needless to say that it will also be connected with an app, which includes drivers’ medical history as well as every necessary detail. In addition to this, if AdAlert spots an accurate change in the drivers’ heartbeat, it will immediately show a list of emergency numbers on the phone or car screen. If no number is chosen on a certain period of time, ambulance will be called automatically.

We came up with this specific idea mainly due to some issues of inaccuracy in the measurement of variables. More specifically, we noticed that companies of smart-watches or other gadgets that measure variables didn’t manage to combine everything: accuracy, easy access and direct communication of the health problem the exact moment that it occurs.

When it comes to our sources, we conducted a survey via the digital distribution of a questionnaire. The outcome was that the majority of drivers in our country admitted having been in danger due to a specific health problem while driving. Thus, they also answered that they would be willing to pay extra money to improve their safety.

Additionally, we reached out for any existent gadgets similar to ours. After thorough investigation we found EcgKardia, a gadget that can take cardiograms either when it is uploaded on user’s body or when the user touches the EcgKardia. We also looked for further information and we understood that the software of EcgKardia gadget can be adapted to our gadget, AdAlert, which is very encouraging for our company.

An issue that youTHUNDER had to overcome was the unwillingness of elderly people to conform to new technologies. Of course, since they belong to our target group (group of people that face health problems or more vulnerable groups) we have the obligation to cater for them. That’s why our company created a specially designed version which doesn’t include an app. All an aged person has to do is to press a button on AdAlert. Afterwards, the gadget will function as previously described.

Furthermore, our company concluded that there is need for simplification of the already existing app. Since elderly people need a more simple content, we will have an expert to adjust it. Fascilities such as bigger texts, a more simple menu and the ability for voice control will be at our client’s disposal in this simplified app version.

Additionally, in order to increase the impact of our gadget, we will collaborate with doctors or other professionals of the safety field. It goes without saying that the signing of such contracts would add to our reliability as company.

Last but not least, youTHUNDER will have a remarkable physical as well as social media appearance. We will organise events and create targeted campaigns via social media in order for our clientele to bump into our product on a daily basis. In this way we will hopefully built a closely relationship between the AdAlert gadget and our clients, even the elderly ones, who will have a feeling of intimacy and familiarity with our product, which will be their anchor to keep safe.


MEMBERS: Έρη Γέραλη, Δήμητρα Κιοϊλόγλου, Αναστασία Λιάκου, Αμάντα Λιναρά, Ιριάνα Νίκα, Θεοδώρα Φωκαέως

TEAM: Δήμητρα Κ. Amanda Linara Ιριάνα Νίκα Anastasia Liakou

PROFESSORS: Betty Tsakarestou Dr. Stavros Kaperonis

