BacheDoIt website

Building a new site was not an easy process for us but it was definitely interesting. We have learnt a lot and all the knowledge we gained seems really important to us.

We came up with the idea in an Ad and Pr lab creativity session. We thought that there wasn’t a site that offers all the necessary information someone needs to know in order to organize a bachelor party. Some of the participants of the lab got enthusiastic so we thought “Why not?”. At first, was more like a humorous presentation but then it become more serious and we decided to build this kind of website.

Finding a name was not a problem for us. There aren’t many sites related to bachelor parties in the internet. In that way, our first idea for the name was also the last one. BacheDoIt. Easy to understand, simple and playful.

As it is mentioned before, as an amateur team, when it comes to the implementation of an idea through an application or a website, we face some difficulties. First of all, we watched the tutorials that were uploaded in the dropbox file which was offered to us by our instructor S. Kaperonis. We continued with all the technical process to build the website using the adandprlab domain. Then we tried to organize our website and we wrote down all the different categories and pages we wanted to create. Next step was to collect all the content that we would add in each category and page.

To be more specific, we thought of what is essential in a website that tries to assess people when they are responsible for organizing a bachelor or bachelorette party. The more important is the place, of course. Thus, we have some suggestions for party animals but also people who prefer a calmer event. There are suggested spas, bouzoukia (greek place of amusement that lots of people choose to spend the night before the big day), hotels and resorts, bars and restaurants. There is, also, a gallery with photos of each place.

Each category has a short description to explain the reasons why we divided the categories in this way.

In addition, there is a category of items and accessories. In there, visitors can find online shops and shops where they can buy all the necessary items, because a bachelor party can’t be successful without them. Another one, is that with our special suggestions. We publish alternative ways of organizing the event, that could offer an unforgettable and special night. It’s a challenge as we try to be as more creative as possible. Or even present the simplest ideas that not many have thought before. Last but not least, anyone that found our website helpful could sent us their experience with photos and a description that we will publish in the special category “Your experience”.

About the colors and the appearance of BacheDoIt, after receiving feedback from our instructor, we soon realized that we had to make some changes. We chose a more fascinating picture as the header image. Then, we tried to use more attractive colors that would totally fit in the concept. Furthermore, there is background music when you enter the website that you can pause and play again whenever you want.

We still try to improve the website with new additions. In the future, we hope that we will manage to be the mediator between visitors and places and in that way we will be responsible for wholly organizing the event.

All in all, this was a new experience for us. Certainly, we have a lot of progress to make but we will try our best to mantain this idea alive, as some people seem to support it.

That’s the link of our website: .

Visit us!!

Special thanks to our instructors Mrs. Betty Tsakarestou and Mr. Dr. Stavros Kaperonis.

The team: Konstantina Nikolatou, Edlira Osmena, Elisavet Papantoniou and Ilya Tranoudi

