Behind the idea of Roomie

In our “Digital Creativity: Apps, Games, Coding” class, led by Dr. Stavros Kaperonis and Betty Tsakarestou, we were challenged as a team to come up with a startup idea. During our brainstorming session we came up with a lot of different ideas, but the one that stood out was the idea of Roomie.

Roomie is an app that helps people find the most ideal roommate. Each user makes a profile and after answering a questionnaire, the app filters their answers and suggests them ten people that match their preferences. What makes Roomie different and special comparing to other roommate apps or websites, is the fact that it is simple, fast and completely safe. It is up to the user whether or not they want to contact anyone, and they can use the app in absolute safety. We ensure safety with our strict policy that each user has to send us pictures of their ID, so that we can make sure that their information is real. Our goal is to also make sure that we bring together people with similar interests and aspirations about their home.

We also created a Wordpress site to present and promote our idea:

In the website we emphasized on explaining Roomie’s services as well as urging people to download the app.

We made sure that the homepage of our website is simple and welcoming. We also focused on making the navigation easy, so the main menu is on the top of the homepage, easily accessible.

There is also a short description of Roomie, as well as buttons urging the visitor to download the app and informing them where they can find it.

In the website, we also included Roomie profile examples, to show the exact form of the profiles in the app. Each profile includes a picture, their name, sex and age, as well as a short description about their personality traits and interests.

The homepage also includes a presentation of our team, the creators of the app, and its members individually.

In our About page we offer a detailed description of the app.

In the “Questionnaire” page, we offer a description of the Questionnaire and five example questions, so that the users know what to expect in the app. The Questionnaire consists of questions about essential information (such as their budget, preferences, habits etc.)

There is also a “Contact us” page, so that visitors can e-mail us their questions about the app.

We also added other contact information (address, email, phone number) and a link to our facebook page, created to promote the app.

The Digital Creativity lab was a great challenge, but it was also a very beneficial and important experience. We learn how to brainstorm our ideas and put them into practice, work together as a team and how to create a Wordpress site to present our project effectively.

Our team-HillADers: fay paschali, Antonella Sofianidou, Kelly Margatina, kostas gonidakis, Angeliki Sakellariou

