Breath of life

Alongside that project we worked on another which was in fact more challenging. If you are familiar with the Cannes Lions Festival you might already know one of its big winners “Breath of Life”. Breath of life is an app that allows people to be self diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD. There is an easy way to check your health and then go to the doctor for more details.

We love this project because it promotes the value of people’s lives and give the chance to check a serious problem with an interesting and original way. One of company’s priorities is helping other brands with a purpose. This was the reason we immediately wanted to work on showcasing an app with such meaningful message to take care of your health. By now, due to the pandemic everyone has understood the significance of health and how it should be our priority.

We researched a lot for this campaign and went beyond the description that was provided on the Cannes site. We learned about how the app works, the people that were involved in the project (we even found out one of the designers personal LinkedIn profile to make sure she was in the winning team) but most importantly we learned their reasoning behind the concept of blowing into your phone. The target audience for this app is in majority Chinese population because there are almost 90 million COPD misdiagnosis in China. This contributed to the idea of blowing which is associated with the traditional blow painting in China and is very culturally relevant.

We were very touched by this idea considering our team has different cultural backgrounds (Russia, Greece and Spain) it was refreshing to see a brand who respects the history and marries tradition with innovation.


Anastasiia Shvetc, Irati Barrena Bolinaga, Angeliki Kyriazi and Katerina Tsiakaraki

