Business dates, dating you should try.

Earlier this week, we (ad discovery and creativity lab students) tried some business methods, as to communicate our start-up ideas, get feedback, learn about other start-ups and provide them with valuable information as well. These methods were; speed dating and world café. In few words, these methods include presenting your idea in a few minutes, another start-upper presenting their idea, receiving feedback, giving some feedback and moving on to another table, for another date (The whole process from the start).

Some valuable information gained from this, is that you have to really know your idea. Most people will think this is obvious. They will say; ‘Everyone knows what they have been working on.’ However, when you only get three/four minutes to fully present the idea and make valid points, your skills are being tested.

So, I made some notes on what was important to succeed on this challenge. Firstly, one should pinch in the main idea. Explain what it is about, simply but in detail on the same time. A strong opening thesis, makes the other person interested in listening. Make sure you have structure. Each point should be crystal clear before moving on to the next. On each date, you should mentally take notes. Strategize about the use of those few minutes. Most importantly in our team (The Meme Factory) using a three-dimensional tube, (with images of our start-up digital prototype printed on it) was what made a difference. You need something eye-catching and maybe something handy as well. The physical appearance of your start-up idea, gets peoples’ attention. Ending with a motto helps people remember your presentation. Saying; That’s all and remember it’s ‘Meme, myself& I’ always had a good response.

Now, when receiving feedback, the dater should really be listening. Some points could be combined with other ones as to create a whole new development idea. Also, when listening to more reviews, our trail of thought continuous and we think of new things. The same goes for the observer. What’s interesting is that quite often some start-up ideas could work together. While listening, you notice that cooperating could lead to both teams winning. Some notes you have for the other teams’ dater, could apply to your own start-up. So, reviewing other start-ups helps eliminate any errors of your own. Everything in the process is important.

In the end, these methods come down to truly listening and being clear/direct towards the start-upper in front of you. Either by being a dater or an observer, one learns to present and to understand. What is unclear about the idea you have / you analyze? The process of creative thinking starts as simply as that. My ending point is, whatever you learnt from this comes from a thought. Thoughts go into action. Now, you are one step closer to converting your start-up idea into reality.

