But what about our prospects?

Ideal Customer Profiling:How to Identify Your Most Profitable Prospects

Finding prospects for your business and then nurturing them into leads are the building blocks of a sales cycle. Without prospects, there would be no leads, and without leads coming in at the top of your sales pipeline, you can’t expect sales at the bottom. Prospects are the first key ingredient to business success!

So, being part of the “AD Discovery and Creativity Lab”, organized by miss Betty Tsakarestou, at the department of Communication, Media & Culture at Panteion University,gave us the opportunity to discover our best prospects. Our team,MyVision team, had to, for this particular assignment to pin-point, the ideal prospect branding customers for our project. We described the profiles of the companies, we thought would be a perfect fit for our solution.

To begin with, we are a fictional life-coaching start-up company and our goal is to provide our customers, the necessary material for self-improvement and help them eradicate their fears and anxieties. Our values include member growth,positivity,compassion,self-worth and perseverance.​ So, it makes sense that, our ideal prospect customers would be companies, which have the same core values and goals, we have, as far as self-actualization is concerned.

Our first ideal prospect branding customer, would undoubtedly be ShineText.The Shine Text is an app, one of the best startup companies worldwide dealing, with self-care issues. Shine, an early arrival in the market, now teeming with self-care apps and services, has closed on $5 million in Series A funding, alongside the milestone of hitting 2 million active users. The investment comes roughly two years, after Shine launched its free service, a messaging bot aimed at younger users that doles out life advice and positive reinforcement on a daily basis through SMS texts or Facebook’s Messenger.​Never mind the huge success of the company,Shine,like us, also aims to motivate a person to create healthy habits and help them navigate their stress and anxiety ,in order to be the best version of themselves!

Shine Text

The second ideal customer we chose, would be TED. TED is a global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture, who seek a deeper understanding of the world. Ted talks cover almost every global issue, they have educational and motivational character and they are available in almost 100 languages!​Surely, our followers ,would like to educate themselves on different subjects around psychology, understand the world a little better and maybe even come to acknowledge a different point of view on certain subjects.TED would be the ideal choice for that kind of thing!


Two ideal prospect customers, that share “common ground” as we call it ,would be Mirror and HerbaLife Nutrition.

Herba Life Products
Mirror Workout Companion

Both companies aim to help people achieve a life of wellness and good nutrition.HerbaLife promises to do that through the pioneering products, that they offer .Mirror is a fitness app , an innovative mirror, that works like a personal trainer. It is a well programmed training system that features any kind of workout the user wants: cardio, yoga, boxing etc.

Last but not least, 7Cups is a self-care platform that would be an ideal match for MyVision team. 7Cups is a company, that specializes in providing psychological therapy through the internet. It gives its customers ,the opportunity either to solve their problems on their own by giving them tips and advice on how to feel better, or to talk to volunteer listeners in chat rooms without charge or even take therapy sessions ,with experienced therapists for 150$ per month(a very competitive price).


After concluding our research on ideal prospect customers, we realized that prospecting ideal customers should not be about having as many conversations as possible, but rather having conversation with the right people for your brand!

Our professor: Betty Tsakarestou

Our team members: Barbaraaligizaki, Antonis Kontozanis, Eleni Modou, Πετρίνα Παυλοπούλου and me , Mary Chondrogianni

You can reach us at : Instagram: myvision_team

Facebook: MyVision

Twitter: MyvisionTeam

