Coca-Cola, 1971 — “I’d like to buy the world a Coke”

Continuing our vintage vibes, this week we decided to analyze the famous Coca-cola’s “I’d like to buy the world a coke” campaign which launched in 1971. Undoubtedly is considered to be one of the most popular commercials of all time and we could say that this campaign reshaped company’s tactic when it comes to commercials. Until then ads were focusing on the product itself and were promoting the taste and the refreshing sense of Coke.(see 1956 — Coca-Cola… Makes Good Things Taste Better, 1958 — The Cold, Crisp Taste of Coke, 1959 — Be Really Refreshed , 1963 — Things Go Better with Coke )

Story behind the idea

According to the official site of Coca Cola company, the story behind this commercial is complex. At first Bill Backer, creative director of the coca-cola’s collaboration agency, had planned a business trip to London but a frog was the cause of his and dozens of other people in Ireland. The passenger’s anger and disappointment started to fade when a bottle of Coke managed to joined them together. Some of his words:

“In that moment [I] saw a bottle of Coke in a whole new light… [I] began to see a bottle of Coca-Cola as more than a drink that refreshed a hundred million people a day in almost every corner of the globe. So [I] began to see the familiar words, ‘Let’s have a Coke,’ as more than an invitation to pause for refreshment. They were actually a subtle way of saying, ‘Let’s keep each other company for a little while.’ And [I] knew they were being said all over the world as [I] sat there in Ireland. So that was the basic idea: to see Coke not as it was originally designed to be — a liquid refresher — but as a tiny bit of commonality between all peoples, a universally liked formula that would help to keep them company for a few minutes.”

So he decided to change the plans the Coca-cola team had brainstormed and started to explain to his partners what he was thinking about. The feedback wasn’t the expected one, and as they said “Well, if I could do something for everybody in the world, it would not be to buy them a Coke.”. However Bill insisted on his idea and the “I’d like to buy the world a coke” song came out. The melody was based on a jingle called “Mom, True Love, and Apple Pie.”

The commercial became popular on the radio and many radio producers suggested Bill to record the melody of the commercial as a song. Not only that but Bill received more than 700 letters of radio and music lovers. After communicating with creative team, they transferred the audio concept into a visual scenery with many young people all over the world singing at a hillside the harmonious song.

Making of the commercial

An interesting detail is the fact that this great song was written in almost 24 hours and campaign’s directors tried to film the clip as quickly as the song. The cast was grandiose and this is shown by the actors, who were from more than 20 countries. Specifically, actors are creating a triangle -as we see from helicopter’s camerawork- and they’re singing the rhythms of the hit. In this peaceful and tranquil atmosphere, the campaign communicates an insight that changed company’s commercials history, a humanfocus message, Coca-cola is not only a refresher but a way to connect with people you love, people that have the same taste for Coca-cola. The lead singer of the song was a nanny from British. The ad at first was to be filmed in London, but was filmed in Italy due to the bad weather, creating the recognized “Hilltop”.

Commercial’s success

At the end, the company donated 50.000 dollars (= 66.000 euros) ,from campaign’s profits “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing”, to UNICEF. The commercial became a success and it was voted as one of the best clips of all time. Although that times feedback and costumer’s reaction were difficult to be communicated, Coca-cola company received more than 100.000 letters and people loved everything about it. The true success can be recognized from the fact that the clip was used at the end of the successful drama series “Mad Men” showing that no one will ever forget it!

“Coca-cola is not just a beverage , it’s a common connection between the people of the world.”

Team: MarketMinds ( Emmanuel Kavarnos Orestis Kapsis Lena Patili Marianna Renesi)

Lab instructor: Lina Kiriakou


