COLAB’s “Life” Video Project

Part of our video project

During Ad and PR Lab this semester, our professors Ms Betty Tsakarestou and Dr. Stavros Kaperonis gave us the opportunity to learn hands-on many aspects of the digital world. After having featured many guests, specialists in their respective fields, Mr Kaperonis took on teaching us the fundamentals about video shooting and editing, some principals, as well as some useful tips for a seamless result. Having learnt that, we were left to our own devices to create a project; a video advertisement for a product or a service that we had to upload on Facebook on the designated date. So we had to get to work.

Our team, COLAB, did some brainstorming sessions, so as to be on the same wavelength about the video we would eventually create. However, it was clear from early on that we all wanted our product to be some type of beverage, that would serve as a refreshing break from the daily routine, targeted to everyone who has a hectic program, that needs to relax a bit and recharge. Some of our options were coffee and energy water, but we thought that we would serve a better result if it was for a product all of us use and love. So Life’s natural fruit juice was chosen.

Our scenario idea was already substantially decided before concluding on the product. The importance of finding time during the day for ourselves, accompanied by natural juice to complete the break, was what we wanted to highlight with our video. Simple things like going out for a walk or even relaxing at home, when the responsibilities end, were chosen for the shoot, wanting to leave the floor to the audience to propose what is their ideal break with Life’s juice.

Luckily, the shoot and the editing were finished smoothly, without any setbacks, and we feel very content with our end result. Also, for our Facebook post we strived to summarize our video concept without over-analyzing it and leaving with a call to action for people to reply with their recommendations. But this is the part where we feel a bit disappointed. While we believe our message was clearly delivered and understood and our post received positive reactions from 29 people, we did not achieve the desired engagement in the comment section. We attribute that probably to the phrasing of our call-to-action on the post. Therefore, if we were to post again, we would opt for a more motivating and engaging/appealing caption.

This is what our Facebook post looked like

All in all, our experience with video creation was a pleasant and fun one. Despite seeming technically challenging at first, we soon realised that, with planning and by following the taught rules, it was a rather easy and creative process. And after everything was done, we were left with so many bottles of Life juice for days to enjoy, that it became COLAB’s inside joke.

Check out our video here!

