
a) Describe the process of “speed dating” you have participated. How was the interaction experience overall?

The speed dating experience was really helpful. We split our team in two parts and spoke about the app for three minutes. It was interesting cause we could spread our idea in other team members who did not unterstand our idea from the beginning.

b) Pitch in 3–4 lines what is your startup project and link to another article (you have written in more detail about your startup project if you have it already published)?

So, basically our project is made for Erasmus students in order to make them adjust better and faster in their new country. It presents the best reasturants, bar, cafes etc. There is also a chat in which you can ask about everything. Our goal is to expand this app in travellers generally.

Here you can take a look of our site:

c) How was the experience fast-dating pitching to your peers?

It was really helpful and expand our horizons in order to help each and every member think outside the box

d) What did you learn by pitching to different peer-students?

All in all fast dating as we said before help us to understand other ideas and help others to understand us.

e) What did you learn by responding to questions and feedback?

We understood that there was some “black spots” in our presentation about the app and some members of other teams did not understand some points of the app.

f) What did you learn by asking critical questions and giving feedback to your peer-students?

We basically manage to “co-operate” with some teams and find some better choices about the app, such us adding info about hospital, useful telephones etc, which were important absence from the app.

g) What did you learn as an observer?

The best think about observing the team member’s talk about the project is that you can add basic info, proposals or ideas which you did not hear from them but you think there are important to refer.

Word Cafe

a) What this format added to your experience, understanding and what are the most valuable take outs for you and your startup project?

b) Finally, how this fast forward combined methodologies helped you ( or not) in further moving ahead with your project.

c) For example, did you validate your startup concept/ value proposition? Did you find gaps or things to be fixed or to be clarified?

Basically, those three questions have the same answer. The methodologies helped us a lot in order to understand how we can expand the first idea of our app, Colibri. We saw that the app has a good feedback from other people and that those people think that is realy useful. There are many good thinks in this idea but other peers told us to put some useful telephones, roads and buildings such as hospitals in order to know each and every time where is everything. We hope that with those adds we will make Colibri app even better.

360 degrees Marketeers Maria Kall Spyros Nik Thakis Makris

Betty Tsakarestou

