As far as our competitors is concerned the truth is, that there are numerous companies on the internet that offer the opportunity of losing or gaining weight. In general they are contributing in a variety of ways for an individual to enhance his appearance. Some of them offer gymnastic programs, others food programs and others psychological support programs. However, after many hours of research it was perceived that no other company that is located on the Internet is not capable of offering all these facilities together, plus the utter payoff of free service provision. Those competitors are constantly trying to steal our outstanding reputation. But guess what…. they won’t make it, since we have already done a complete and extensive market research.

More specifically, most of these sites require daily, monthly or annual subscription. For instance, they usually require, depending on the duration 20,30,40,50..or even 90 Euros. On the other side we have come to realize that community suffers from economic crisis and as a result dieticians as well as gyms have become a luxury. Another point is that, even if there are free nutritional and training programs between the chaotic world of Internet, nothing works in combination (nutrition+training+psychological support) based on professionals who ensure a smooth improvement of each and every individual.

Our company is determined to solve the issue of the subscriptions imposed by diet institutes & gyms. So, “The Incredibles” in order to satisfy the customers must “live” with them, be part of their life and understand what each customer is looking for.


Our team Angeliki Symeonidou Andria Theofanous eddy Michailidis Melina Theodora Doulos

Special thanks to Mrs Betty Tsakarestou

